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Polyatomic Ions | Constants | Formulas | Gas Laws | Types of Reactions

Polyatomic Ions

Acetate ChCOO-
Amide NH2-
Ammonium NH4+
Arsenate AsO4 3-
Bromate BrO3-
Carbonate CO3 2-
Chlorate ClO3-
Chlorite ClO2-
Chromate CrO4 2-
Cyanide CN-
Dichromate Cr2O7 2-
Hexacyanoferrate (II) Fe(CN)6 4-
Hydroxide OH-
Hypobromite BrO-
Hypochlorate ClO-
Iodate IO3-
Molybdate MoO4 2-
Nitrate NO3-
Nitrite NO2-
Oxalate C2O4 2-
Perbromate BrO4-
Perchlorate ClO4-
Permanganate MnO4-
Peroxide O2 2-
Phosphate PO4 3-
Phosphite HPO3 2-
Silicate SiO3 2-
Sulfate SO4 2-
Sulfite SO3 2-
Thiocyanate SCN-
Thiosulfate S2O3 2-

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Avogadro's Number = 6.02 x 10^23
Ideal Gas Constant = 8.3145 J / (K * mol)
Molar Gas Volume at STP = 22.4141 dm^3
Freezing Point Constant of Water = 1.853
Boiling Point Constant of Water = 0.515

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Density = Mass / Volume
Percent Error = (theoretical value - actual value) / theoretical value
Degrees Celsius = K - 273
Molarity (M) = (number of moles of solute) / (number of moles of solution)
pH = -log[h+]

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Gas Laws

Temperature (T), Pressure (P), Volume (V), Number of Moles (n)

Dalton's Law: P(total) = P¹ + P² + P³
Boyle's Law: P¹ x V¹ = P² X V²
Charles' Law: V¹ / T¹ = V² / T²
Gay-Lussac's Law: P¹ / T¹ = P² / T²
Combined Gas Law: (P¹ x V¹) / T¹ = (P² x V²) / T²
Ideal Gas Law: (P¹ x V¹) / (T¹ X n¹) = (P² x V²) / (T² x n²)

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Types of Reactions

R + S → RS Combination
RS → R + S Decomposition
T + RS → TS + R Single Replacement
RS + TU → RU + TS Double Replacement
C(x)H(y) + O² → xCO² + (y/2)H²O Combustion

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