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. : kathleen : .

golden brown locks, you wear polka dot socks
all the boys know your name, and they think that
you're hot
Kathleen, please pardon my stare
your polka dots socks and your hair
ooo eee ooo
ooo eee ooo
I took you out to Denny's, on a Sunday afternoon
the waitress made a mistake and gave you two spoons
we laughed and laughed and laughed, at the blunder she had made
I called you the next morning, over toast and marmalade
Kathleen, please pardon my stare
your polka dots socks and your hair
ooo eee ooo
ooo eee ooo

We talked on the phone from 8 til half past one
I asked if you were busy later, you said, "No, let's
go have fun"
Our date was at 8, so i came over at 7:15
i opened the door and there you were kissing my
best friend Gene
Kathleen, please pardon my stare
your polka dots socks and your hair
ooo eee ooo
ooo eee ooo
Kathleen, you broke my heart
I know I'm not that cute, or that smart
but I am a catch, my mother told me this
and you'll never know just how much better than Gene I
Kathleen, please pardon my stare
your polka dots socks and your hair
ooo eee ooo
ooo eee ooo

. : back : .