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. : pics : .

Welcome to the Compost Shark online photo album! Thanks Gina!!!

. : sam in math : .

here is a pic of Sam in math class. I suck at math. taken by gina

. : sam and kyle : .

Sam and Kyle in Math. We suck at math. taken by gina

. : anna is neat : .


. : photo shoot in Noble for Small Brain curds show : .

. : photo shoot in Noble for Small Brain curds show : .

. : here is Dave : .

. : What a beautiful vehicle! : .

. : Dave likes to rock : .

. : Dave also likes to work at Blockbuster : .

. : Diamond Dave on the kit - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : Dave rockin' in the free world - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : Still shreddin' - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : Dave's a master MC! : .

. : Jared can play so good - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : "Let her in guys, she just wants to enjoy the show! Stop pushing! This isn't a hardcore conert!" - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : We have this Jared Dubravsky performance recorded and on a cd! It is very good -January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : Sam and Dave rockin' out as Light Saber - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : Hakimoto! Sushi! - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .


. : Sam sucks at the drums, but don't tell him, he will cry. - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : ROCK! Steady with J.J. at the most heartfelt part of the song! "I'll ask out your cloooone!!!" - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : Still rockin' - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

. : Wow! He looks like a rockstar! - January 4, 2002 at Dave's House : .

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Thankyou Gina for helping us take pictures and always being at concerts! You are awesome!