The Wouters Edge Archives
Observations, Annoyances, And Half-baked Musings During One Man's Journey Through An Ugly World...
Bush Says Al Qaeda Still A threat.... Carter-Castro 2004?.... A Generation of Computer Generation....
May 22, 2002
"Bush Says Al Quaeda Still A Threat," the new cover of USA Today. Once again GWB has illustrated his complete understanding and candor on the subject of terrorism. To that one can only say, "no fucken shit!" If you read or watch the news, this short week has been filled with GWB, Colin Powell, and Robert Mueller (director of the FBI)all speaking on the subject of more "inevitable," terrorist attacks. Each day there is a more indepth look at how we are going to be demised. From elaborate plans to inhabit and blowup tall apartment highrises, to nuclear and biological warfare, all of our highly touted brass make no guarantee of safety. In fact, they only guarantee carange. With more reports surfacing that the FBI, FAA, and the president himself ignored signs and hard evidence which may have prevented Sept.11th, fine Americans like yourself must wonder what is being done to prevent this? From the speeches and other political fodder spewed from their mouths, one must assume that they are merely deeming protecting Americans futile. Are they secretly hoping that Americans accept this as a part of life? Many people argue that this is what many countries go through, that each day you wake you are at risk of a bomb, or other guerilla attack. The simple difference is, we are the United States, not Israel. We spend more than Israel's GNP on defense and intelligence every year, is it too much to ask to feel safe? And if not, what kind of a super power are we anyway? One must wonder what steps are being taken to prevent more Sept. 11th's, one must wonder, what other intelligence reports are being ignored, one must wonder, if all that money is being funneled into rich politician's pockets, while trained chimps run the control centers while throwing their fecies at each other. (Goddamn Monkeys!) At this point, it seems that all the people that are supposed to have the answers, and be held accountable, are too busy pointing fingers at everyone else. Take some goddamn accountability! Take it like a man! Rumsfeld, GWB, Mueller, FAA, just admit you all FUCKED UP, you fucked up colossally, costing the United States, the biggest day of misery in our short history. Instead they have experts working around the clock to prove it was not their fault. But someone is accountable, someone dropped the perverbial Ball. The real question is, how long would an average American hold his/her job if they would have fucked up at work to that magnitude. I'll answer my own question with NONE, unless you are the boss' son. Yet, these are the most powerful, important people to us, these are the defenders of freedom..... With the excess of reports coming out, they should just be defending themselves.... So, now here we wait... waiting for our "inevitable doom." So, in the coming weeks, one should really find out if there is terrorist insurance.....
"I recognized far in advance that after 43 years of misunderstanding and animosity that one brief trip could not change basic relationships between people. But my hope is that is some small way, my visit might improve the situation in the future."
— Jimmy Carter
Actually, you fucked things up worse. Detracting on nearly every U.S. policy on Cuba, Carter appears to bleed Red. Right before you could forget what useless moron was in office right before Reagan, Jimmy Carter went to Cuba. Denouncing the trade embargo, and playing catch with Fidel, Carter has once again proven that he is STILL an idiot. For years there has been soft evidence supporting that Castro's Cuba was supporting "rogue states," with biotechnology to support biochemical warfare programs. Carter was assured that there was no foul play. Later after returning to his room Castro also informed him that the ball-gag, handcuffs and 3-foot metal dildo would not be used to penetrate his wrinkled sphincter by a man named Jed.... What the hell is he doing there anyway? If he couldn't do anything as president what the hell is he going to do now as a 77-year old joke of a former president who undoubtedly wears Depends? ..... One can only pity the foo and his jibba jabba. Is it that everyone here hates Carter, and his only option for companionship comes from a dictator who at least 95% of the time wears army fatigues? Or is it because people actually respect him there? Or is Jimmy Carter denouncing democracy in light of the wonderful world that is communism. What the hell is Cuba good for anyway? The only thing it seems like they export is their citizens on old truck tires. Mark my words, if sanctions and other restrictions on Cuba falls, expect the shores of Miami to look like the invasion of Normandy, (although, I don't know if there are enough cars to steal tires off of for boats)....
After wandering out of Star Wars at midnight on Sunday night, the lingering question stuck between the two live brain cells in my head was: How much is too much? Too much What you may ask? Computer generation in movies. With Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, and Star Wars being the huge box office whores this year, one common denominator remains, lots and lots of fake scenes. Computer generation has completely changed film-making forever. Yet, it's also cheapened it. The constant ragging on Star Wars has been terrible acting, but I implore you, how easy is it to react to nothing? Over 90% of the characters seen on screen are computer-generated. Every scene in Star Wars has computer generation in it. It is a graphical and visual delight, true eye candy. I love what computers have done for movies, I loved Spiderman, I hear I will love Lord of the Rings, and I enjoyed Star Whores. Yet, I believe it detracts untold amounts in the acting. If I was Ewan McGreggor it's got to be hard enough having dialogue with a character who is not there, but worse to have to try to act and react to dialogue from a computer-generated pig fucken character like Jar Jar. That ass-lint has tainted me on computer-generated characters for life. Meesa think he's a Son of a fuck! Should we now look back on Roger Rabbit as ahead of its time? If Jessica Rabbit and Roger had engaged in some backdoor bestiality possibly... But what does this mean? Why is it this way? Is it director's and studio execs realizing you pay Ewan McGreggor $10 million, but you pay Jar Jar, nothing? Sheer economics.... Or is it that Walt Disney's head was cryogenically frozen and re-attached to a body, and he is now running Hollywood as he sees fit? Will Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst be replaced by Mickey and Minnie Mouse? Computer generation gives the director too much say, it's too easy to make movies. There is just something about seeing "real" beauty, to know that it's really there, rather than knowing some geek who's never seen a naked breast in flesh created it on his computer mostly filled with porn and online Dungeons & Dragons. What will Jackie Chan do now that any asshole can look like him? 99.9% of his intrigue is the fact that you know he does his own stunts, and there is perill in every shot. The sheer fact that I can see that he nearly died every 5 minutes makes that ticket price seem all the more worth it. Rather than realizing that Tobey Maguire looks really cool in a leotard holding onto a rope and swinging six inches above the ground in front of a giant green screen with a fluffy crash pad and 5 trainers standing by in case he chips a nail. And with all these super-hero movies spewing from everywhere one must wonder when "Hong Kong Fooey The Movie," will hit theaters nationwide.
Now go and chew on that for a minute before GWB makes a national address filled with incoherent babble and confusion about how the Taliban may have already killed you..... Beware of suspicious looking men with long beards carrying explosives and flight manuals moving in next door to you. They (along with Jimmy Carter) are not to be trusted. And under no circumstances should you buy drugs from them, you may discover that white powder you've been inhaling for the last 3 hours was not cocaine but anthrax, or you might find out you just assisted in killing a police officer.....
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