Illustration Page

This page was created by Karl with assistance by Doug, Kenny, and Donny for the sole purpose of showing off.


On-Site Pages
Karl's Page
Doug's Page
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Pics Page
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Illustration Page
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For Us To Show Off

Skating Sites and Other Links
Mpls Abilities
Freedom of Feet
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Sequence Webzine
Be-Mag Webzine Rhyme Sayers
Aaron's Site
Jake's Site
For Us To Show Off


Title: Truespin Top Soyale
Artist: Karl Semelis
Medium: Microsoft Paint

Title: BS Full Torque
Artist: Kenny Richardson
Medium: Microsoft Paint

Title: Closed Bedroom
Artist: Doug Holmgren
Medium: Microsoft Paint

Title: Freddy - BS Torque
Artist: Aaron Peterson
Medium: Microsoft Paint with Art Motive