Final Fantasy II (IV)

Final Fantasy II, is actually Final Fantasy IV in Japan where it was created. It was realeased as II in the US.


The Red Wings was once a proud military force of the skies, commanded by the honorable kingdom of Baron. The commander of its air force, Cecil, has been given the task of forcefully taking the four crystals of earth, and is discharged from the Red Wings after questioning the King's motives. He sets out to stop the growing threat that is Baron, and in the process unveils a far more insidious enemy.


- Cecil: The former head of Baron's Red Wings. After launching a successful raid upon Mysidia for the Water Crystal, Cecil begins to wonder about the wholesomeness of his trade - a Dark Knight under the King - and questions the ethics of the orders of the Baronian King he serves.

- Cid: Another former employee of the Baronian empire, Cid is reowned world-wide for his achievements such as the entire Baronian fleet of airships among other technological breakthroughs. In fact, his inventions have even been compared to the legendary work of dwarves.

- Edward: Prince of a far away land, Edward joins your party very early in the game to help you conquer the Antlion, after his love Anna is shot down by Baronian archers amid a formidable airship attack on Damcyan Castle.

- Kain: Baron's most prominient Dragoon, Kain is Cecil's best friend at the beginning of the tale. However, for some odd reason, Kain wavers back and forth between the side of good and evil, sometimes fighting against Cecil.

- Rosa: Cecil's companion and often romantic interest, Rosa is a specialized White Mage...and quite masterful at it too. Rosa worries constantly about Cecil, whether waiting for him to return after combat or trying to understand his resentment towards the King.

- Rydia: Rydia, a young girl from the Village Mist, is one of the few young people able to cast both white and white magic. Rydia's also one of the few Callers left remaining in the world, a proud people that can summon huge monsters to aid them in battle.

- Tellah: In search of his runaway daughter and her "spoony bard" groom, Tellah searches throughout various kingdoms until he comes across you in a cave. He's a powerful mage, with the innate ability to cast high levels of both white and black magic, a rare trait indeed.

- Palom and Porom: Palom and his older sister. Porom, make up the twins. They were raised by the Mysidian wizard and have each taken part in learning a certain form of magic (Palom studies Black Magic, Porom studies white). The two are inseprable, yet very different. Palom is a smart ass, swearing and constantly making jokes (and pretty dirty ones for a 10 year old). Porom, on the other hand, is the extreme opposite - calm, cool, and ALWAYS keeps her manners. Sometimes, she has to keep her brother in line...she occasionally pops him on the head. The two in battle work together. They both know little of their magic when they join, but it grows as time goes on. When they work together , they are a force to be reckoned with.

- Yang: A prince of the kingdom of Fabul, Yang can be found fighting various undead monsters and Bombs atop Mt. Hobs, which leads to his realm, the kingdom of Fabul. With the majority of Fabul's main forces wiped out by Golbez's minions, Yang, being the only survivor of their frontlines of defense, will need your help to defend Fabul from the oncoming onslaught for the Crystal of Air.