Final Fantasy III (VI)

Final Fantasy VI was renamed to Final Fantasy III when it came to America. Then it was re-released in America again for the Playstation on the Final Fantasy Anthology, where it was called VI.


In the world, magic has been replaced with technology and the evil Empire is going to drain all Espers (magic beings not very different to humans) of their magic because magic is the source and way to power. And your task is to stop them from doing it. After about the half game the world destroys as we know it and the atmopsphere in the game gets darker and more rough. The other difference between World of Balance (before the world shatteres) and World of Ruin, (after the world is shattered) is that in World of Ruin the games isnīt linear at all and you can choose where and what you want to do by yourself. You are also able to explore and find out things about the characters, and you have freedom to decide in what order you want to do things and if you want to do them before you challenge the last boss or if you donīt want to do these sub-quests at all.


- Terra: A mysterious young woman controlled by the Empire, and born with the gift of magic... Terra is the character you start the game with. She is known as the only magic-user in the world, and might be of big help. Later in the game, she get the Morph-ability which strenghtens your magic, defense and attack for a short period. She is still one of your best magic-casters.

- Locke: Treasure hunter and trail worn traveller, searching the world over for relics of the past... Locke is a Treasure Hunter. He once left someone when she needed him, and after that, he helps every girl he can find. His ability, Steal allows him to steal Items and Clothes(!) from enemies.

- Edgar: The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and master designer of machinery... Edgar is a friend of the Returners, which pretends to be an Imperial ally. He can handle machines well, and his special skill, Tools, allow him to use normal tools as lethal weapons in combat.

- Sabin: Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own freedom... When his father, the king died, Sabin left the castle and was trained in Marterial Arts by master Duncan. He is a fearsome fighter, and his skill, Blitz, allows him to do some very special attacks that HURT!

- Shadow: He owes allegiance to no one, and will do anything for money. He comes and goes like the wind... Shadow will do anything for money, and his only friend is the dog, Interceptor. Not much is known about his past, even if he is haunted by bad dreams. His skill, Throw, make him able to throw different Items on enemies.

- Cyan: Faithful retainer to his family's liege, with the courage and strength of a hundred men... After his whole family and all his friends is killed by Kefka`s poisonous attack on Doma, he joins the party in hope of revenge. Cyan is a good sword-fighter, and his ability makes him able to do some nice sword-attacks.

- Gau: Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intelligence. A youth surviving against all odds... Gau has lived together with the monsters at the Veldt as far as he can remember. His special skill makes him able to Leap out on the Veldt, learn monsters attack and use them in battle later

- Celes: Product of genetic engineering, battle hardened Magitek-Knight, with a spirit as pure as snow... Former general of the empire, inprisonned, saved by Locke, a strong magic-user. Her Skill makes her able to absorb magic attacks from enemies, which is sometimes very useful.

- Setzer: A Black-Jack playing, world traveling, casino dwelling free spirit... Setzer the gambler, is the owner of the worlds only known airship, and therefore important. He attacks his enemies by throwing cards on them:). His skill will make a random attack on the enemies.

- Mog: Human-loving, fast-talking, street-smart, SLAM-dancing Moogle... This guy is an expert of dancing, and his dances are deadly for many enemies

- Strago: An elderly gentleman, pure of heart, and learned in the way of the monsters... Strago is a descendant of those known in earlier FF-games, as Blue Mages. He can learn the enemies` special attacks, and use them later. He lives in Thamasa together with his granddaughter Relm.

- Relm: In her pictures she captures everything: forests, water, light... The very essensce of life... Relm is a so good artist that all her pictures comes to life. Useful in battles, letting her draw the enemies. She seems to have some strange connection with Shadow`s dog, Interceptor.