Here are pictures from halloween (my favoritest holiday). Boo! :)


so, a very low-key halloween this year. just adam and i (and no halloween parties to go to). we decided to just dress up and walk around Pacific in Santa Cruz. it was a lot of fun. tons of great costumes, and we got a drink at the red room. after awhile we decided to come back to capitola, and drink at a local bar, and then stumble home. it was an amusing night.

adam went as a brain surgeon that removed his own brain (and carried it around in a jar) and i went as a little ghost girl.


Ahhh Halloween. a few days before halloween adam, dan, and i carved pumpkins for my parents porch...they were a little rundown after halloween when i went to take pictures! This year my friends and i dressed up and went downtown. adam and i met up with emily and rachel at a bar, and had a drink or two, and then lucy came to meet us. We walked around and looked at people's costumes, and saw Eirik, Ben, and some of lucy's other friends. They had cool costumes too :) I went as Ozzy Osbourne, and adam went as Sharon Osbourne. We were very awesome looking! Lucy went as a Cat, Emily as a Catholic School Girl and Rachel as a movie star. here are some pictures:


This year for halloween, my friends and i went trick or treating, then hung out at my apartment, watching movies, eating candy, drinking beer, and playing card games. it was fun ;) Our costumes were: Karl = A bumble Bee, Lucy = A Vampire, Adam = Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Me = Devi (from JTHM & I FEEL SICK) more pictures of us coming soon :)

These are pictures of johnny, to compare to pictures of adam. :)


For halloween this year, we went trick or treating for a long time, and got a TON of candy. We went all around the nice, rich area of santa cruz, and no one seemed to mind that we were old :) That's because our costumes were so good. Our costumes were: Lucy = Fire, Adam = A Jester, Me = A fairy. Better pictures also to be posted soon :)