Other Art Pieces

Here are some pieces of other kind of art. Things that i didn't feel were able to be classified under my other categories. Things i have here are collages, computer altered pieces, and other things that just weren't hand drawn :) Click on a picture to see its full size.


Collages made from cutouts from magazines and little sticker photos from an i-zone camera.

Collage constructed on my computer. The eyes used are that of my friends...if yr one of my friends, can you find yourself?

Interesting full page magazine ads that i cut into small squares and pasted back together.

A scanned picture of 80's Madonna that i collaged and added computer effects.

the first is a collage i made on a 5x7 piece of canvas using 'sounds' [onamonapeia] that are written in comic books. The second is a collage of LOBO using cutouts from LOBO comic books and is on an 8x10 piece of canvas, and the third one is a collage i made for my best friend lucy for her birthday, also on a piece of 5x7 canvas.

Below are a lot of computer collages i made of my friends, and myself.


Magazine collage i did.

Random puzzle-like pictures i made during class.