after having so much fun in las vegas the first time, adam and i decided to take a random little trip there again in October 2004. we stayed at the LUXOR again, but this time we were in a jacuzzi suite in the pyramid on the 26th (of 30) floor. it was AWESOME. so most of the pictures are of our sweeeeet suite :) hehe. enjoy (click on a picture to see it larger!)

For spring break in 2003, adam and i went to las vegas for 3 days and 2 nights. We stayed at the LUXOR (the pyramid/egyptian themed one). it was awesome. We gambled a little bit ( i won 30 bux on roulette! and adam won at blackjack, and about 13 bux off of a quarter on video poker!!) we walked around A LOT, and we went and saw lance burton (the magician). Oh yeah, and we drank a yard margarita :) Anyway here are some pictures from our trip...more coming soon!!