(Moral of the story is ... Its not WHO you are KISSING but WHERE you're KISSING that matters!!!!)
Other signs ......
Often thinking of you means : I CARE FOR YOU
Holding hands means : I LIKE YOU
Looking into the eyes means : DO YOU LOVE ME?
Squeezing fingertips means : I WANT A KISS
Leaning on the shoulder means : COMFORT ME
Getting occasional short hugs means : I MISS YOU
Biting lips means : I AM JEALOUS
Winking at you means : I WANT TO GO WITH YOU
Playing with your hair means: I ADORE YOU
Stepping on toes means: I HATE YOU
Getting hit in "very painful places" means : I REALLY, REALLY HATE YOU!
Dreaming of you at night : YOU'RE SOMEONE SPECIAL
Always being with you means : I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU
Often giving you something means : CARE FOR YOU VERY MUCH