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Sometimes you get carried away...
What Happens When You Are Too Involved...

Okay, so we all know that *NSYNC was on Larry King Live like Monday night or something. I don't know being grounded all the days seem to blur together. Well, here are some Top Ten Lists I came up with about the show.

Top Ten Reasons You Know You've Seen One Too Many Interviews

10) You can sense one of JC's crack spazs exactly a minute before it happens. And you sit there saying, "here it comes, here it comes." And you actually feel relieved when he finally spazzs.

9) You can actually figure out what Joey is going to say before he says it, and you laugh at his stupidity even before it comes out of his mouth.

8) When Justin reads the cue cards, when he stumbles a little bit, and tries to regain his place you begin to scream at the TV, "Why are you such an idiot, I mean you can conceal a relationship for over 2 years, but you can't read a damn cue card, WTF !!!!!!" Then you calmly take your seat.

7) You start noticing that Lance isn't exactly paying attention. You wonder what could be causing this, and then you come to the conclusion that he's drunk. In all of the interviews, Lance is drunk.

6) When, just by the way he walks to his chair, you can tell that something is bothering Chris, but you swear it isn't that mental connection that you and him share.

5) Just by the seating arrangements, you can tell who had a fight before the show, and you know who is still mad at each other. (You really can sense these things after a while.)

4) You can tell when the "boxers or briefs" question is coming, and you note JC's face when it is asked, then you continue to mock it when someone asks you an outrageous question the next day.

3) You start to worry when Joey and Lance are not sitting next to each other. They hide thier relationship well, but come on, did they have a fight? Break up? We deserve an explaination.

2) It seems from interview to interview, their looks change, all except for Lance. What's up with that? Is he stagnite? Is he afraid of change? I don't know, but Lance needs to change. By the way, have I mentioned, Lance has a drinking problem?

1) When you hear that Justin and JC love their girlfriends, you may not be happy about their choice of girlfriends, but at least they are happy. However, when you find out that Chris and Dani broke you IMMEDIATELY begin to think of ways to ease his pain, make him forget about her, even though she was your favorite girlfriend, she hurt Chris, and that just isn't right.

Top Ten Reasons You Know You Care Too Much About Chris

10) Begin to wonder if Chris' age is affecting him. Does he know it's 2001, cause he's wearing his hair style from 1997. It's the Alzheimers.

9) You begin to pray that in concert they don't preform "I Want You Back" because Chris' bones are frail, and you never known that flip might throw out his back.

8) What if in the break-up, Dani takes Busta? What will happen to Chris? As if the break up isn't bad enough, now she's going to take his dog. Something's just not right.

7) He's almost 30, he's in a boyband, his girlfriend just broke up with him. If that doesn't spell depression, I don't know what does.

6) When you begin to make a list of things you can do to make him feel better. 1) bake cookies 2) show up in his living room 3) get Busta back.

5) You begin to write Lance anonymous letters telling him to spend more quality time with Chris, since Justin has Britney now, he disses his friends for his girl.

4) To Chris' e-mail address, you begin to send 30 insta-hugs, kisses, and roses, just so he knows people love him.

3) You talk to your friends about Chris and Dani's break-up, like he is your best friend, and Dani totally betrayed you, because you set them up.

2) You repetively send him advice columns where guys are having trouble moving on from past relationships, then you attach a picture of yourself, saying, "move on over here."

1) You begin to hope that Dani is no longer the president of FuManSkeeto, just so Chris doesn't have to see her every morning, and he doesn't have to interact with her, and instead he make a more business minded person like Lance or JC the president.

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