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  • Name: Johann Weisshiem

  • Class: Fighter/Cleric of Kord

  • Race: Human

  • Level: 2/2

  • Str: 18

  • Dex: 14

  • Con: 16

  • Int: 11

  • Wis: 16

  • Cha: 10

  • Saves: Fort +9, Ref +3 and Will +6.

  • Melee Attack Bonus: +6

  • Missile Attack Bonus: +4

  • Skills: Concentration +7, Jump +8 and Swim +8.

  • Hit Points: 26

  • AC: 16 (Dex and Scale Mail).

  • Feats: Cleave, Greater Fortitude, Power Attack and Weapon Focus (Greatsword)

  • Special Abilities: Turn Undead and Feat of Strength.

  • Languages: Common.

  • Equipment: Greatsword, Silver Dagger, Scale Mail, 3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds and 50 gold.