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Prowling the world under cover of darkness, the foul Lexicans are a plague upon humanity, made real by the whim of Hextor. Unnaturally agile and indescribably evil, the Lexicans have an insatiable thirst for blood and a mind which has been twisted by years of wholesale slaughter.

Personality: Lexicans are simple creatures, driven mostly by their hunger and their almost animal intellect. They are capable only of rudimentary thought, and their general thought pattern is eat, sleep, breed and kill. They rarely speak, and when they do they merely mimic words they have heard. Their primitive minds cannot 'think' in the conventional sense, and so they resort to mimicry, although they do know what is fitting. Lexicans are completely incapable of more complex emotions such as love, jealousy or thirst for power. They seek only to sate their hunger and enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Lexicans have a sense of drama though, and like to make dramatic entrances and exits. This, coupled with their memory of fitting lines, makes them almost like actors who like to keep it real.

Physical Description: The Lexicans were constructed to be a gross parody of humanity, and mock them in almost every way. They stand between five and six feet tall, with skin of a pale yellow. They possess facial and bodily hair, but are completely bald. Hair ranges in colour from black to gray, but never a bright colour such as white or blonde. Their eyes are similar to those of a cat, in that their pupils are slitted rather than circular. The irises are typically green, but have been known to take on various shades of red. Lexican's have slightly longer legs than humans, and possess uncanny strength in them. This allows them to jump great heights, move at incredible speeds and kick through solid stone. The teeth of Lexicans are all sharp and hollow, allowing them to drain blood through them. Lexicans also possess sharp claws, rather than fingernails. They wear whatever suits them, or what they see as the most dramatic. Typically this will be blood red robes or black clothing. Lexicans typically live for fifty years, although some have been known to live for several hundred years.

Relations: The Lexicans, as stated above, feel no hatred or compassion. They are never at 'war' with anyone, nor are they ever allied. Instead they see all mortals as cattle, or prey for them to hunt. They respect worthy opponents, such as those who give them a challenging hunt. The only people who are safe from the predations of the Lexicans are those who worship Hextor and carry with them the Symbol of Hextor. The Lexicans recognize this symbol as that of their master, and never attack those carrying one.

Alignment: The Lexicans are creatures of pure evil, incapable of recognizing the benefits of a good lifestyle. As pawns of Hextor, their task is simply to hunt and kill all that they encounter. All Lexicans are Chaotic Evil, and no other alignment may be taken without a very good reason.

Lexican Lands: If any culture is truly nomadic, it is the Lexicans. Fiercely independent, Lexicans wander the world in search of blood and a more challenging hunt. They sometimes band with others of their kind, and recognize the benefit of siding with powerful opposition until a time to strike arises. This means they do join adventuring parties, although their loyalty is always under question.

Religion: Lexicans do not formally worship, despite being the children of Hextor. Instead they perform whatever he wills of them, even if it results in his own death.

Language: Lexicans do not speak in the traditional sense of the word, instead they store every sound they hear inside their minds for regurgitation at a suitable moment. They do not understand speech, but are excellent at reading emotions. They recognize fear, anger, friendship etc. but find emotions such as love or greed alien. Roleplaying a Lexican is a task not to be taken lightly, and over time, their primitive mind may be able to comprehend speech.

Names: Lexicans do not possess names, nor do they see the significance in knowing someone else's. To them, everyone is either their prey or their 'friend'. Friend is a strong word, they do not have friends with whom they relate, rather, they feel some bond with skilled warriors who best them in combat and so feel compelled to travel with them. Hextor frowns on such activities, but has no control over it.

Adventurers: A band of Lexicans is incredibly rare, as they are always in competition with each other. It is not so uncommon for Lexicans to band with people of other races, especially those of the adventuring kind. By traveling with such people, a Lexican not only gets to hunt, but has the added benefit of companionship and the ability to train with skilled warriors.

Lexican Racial Traits

*+2 Dexterity, +2 Strength, -4 Intelligence: Lexicans are masterful killers, but lack the intelligence to perform even the most rudimentary tasks.

*Lexican base speed is thirty feet.

*Incredible Speed: Lexicans are incredibly fast, especially when in pursuit of prey. Instead of running at double normal speed, Lexicans can move at four times their normal speed.

*+1 racial bonus to attacks against all foes. This arises from a Lexicans natural hatred of all creatures. Note: A Lexican always receives a -10 to attack against followers of Hextor, even without their symbol.

*+2 racial bonus on all Wilderness Lore, Jump, Swim, Spot and Climb checks. The Lexican is a fine-tuned hunting machine.

*Nightvision: Lexicans possess Nightvision as described in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

*Automatic Languages: None. A player must draw up a list of between 25 and 100 quotes he wishes to use during general play. He may add additional quotes to this list as the game progresses. Examples of Lexican quotes can be found Here

*Lexicans cannot use magic items unless they serve a practical purpose. Practical magic items include weapons, armor, shields and potions. Artifacts are also practical. It is up to the DM to decide which Wondrous Items are practical.

*Favoured Class: Barbarian. A multiclass Lexican's Barbarian class does not count when calculating XP penalties.

*Forbidden Classes: Mage, Sorcerer and Druid. These classes cannot be taken by a Lexican PC. Neither can Cleric, unless it is a worshipper of Hextor.