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Wannith Minotaur

Most Minotaurs are savage killing machines, confined to deep underground lairs and mazes. But several centuries ago, a mad wizard named Wannith began to experiment with a group of Minotaurs he captured during his adventuring years. He bestowed the beasts with human intelligence and left them to form a society in the isolated Beastlands. He initially planned to use them to form and intelligent army but the intelligence he had given them also gave them a conscience. Over the next fifteen years the Minotaurs established a healthy community and began to develop trading relationships with the nearby Azer and humans of Shunista. It soon became apparent that the Minotaurs were becoming independent and did not need Wannith to guide them.

Personality: Unlike their Minotaur ancestors, Wannith Minotaurs are a friendly race. They possess common sense, values and strength, making them gentle giants in the Known World. They enjoy storytelling and music, a trait gained from their former master. They help those in need and relentlessly pursue those who wrong them. They are a good tempered race, never letting their anger show unless severely provoked.

Physical Description: Wannith Minotaurs are taller than humans but slightly less tall than the race they are derived from. They stand between 6 and 8 foot tall and are heavily muscled. Their bodies are covered in shaggy hair which ranges in colour from brown to black. Red and blonde hair is almost unknown. Their fingers end in wicked claws which they keep filed so as not to get in the way when playing instruments. They have black horns which sprout just above their ears, these are often decorated with paint and ribbons. Their eyes are usually green but can be blue or black. Wannith Minotaurs see their personal appearance as a mark of power. They despise scars and other marks, except for tattoos which warriors and shaman both apply as signs of their station. Wannith Minotaurs live 150 years, reaching adulthood at the age of sixty.

Relations: The Wannith Minotaurs enjoy a healthy relationship with most races. They are friendly with Humans, who they trade with and often ally with in times of battle. They do not understand the human preoccupation with violence though, and often argue with companions over such things. Minotaurs respect the Dwarven artisans and often exchange knowledge. They dislike Elves with whom they have been at war with for nearly a decade now. Halflings and Gnomes are revered in Wannith society. Halflings are excellent storytellers whilst the Gnomes keep the Minotaurs amused with their pranks and gadgets. Wannith Minotaurs and Half-Orcs hold each other in great respect but the Wannith do not understand the Orcish preoccupation with combat and so treat them with caution. They greatly respect the Azer, with whom they have been allied for centuries.

Alignment: Wannith Minotaurs tend towards neutrality, as they do not share the common views of good and evil. The majority are chaotic neutral. Leaders are often Lawful Neutral and a large percentage are Neutral Good. Evil Wannith Minotaurs are rare indeed and tales of their unspeakable deeds are told to scare Wannith children. Lawful Good Wannith have been known, and they often lead a paladin like life.

Wannith Lands: The Wannith Minotaurs have a small empire nestled in the Beastlands. They trade often and enjoy the company of other races. Wannith who dwell in human society often join the town guard and live in simple homes.

Religion: Wannith Minotaurs worship Wannith almost exclusively. Although he is not a real deity, they see him as their creator and as such they follow his guidance. The Clerics of Wannith society see to it that all Minotaurs follow his simply guidelines. Be gentle, be loyal and be strong. Wannith Clerics have access to the domains of Strength, War, Destruction, Earth and Travel. Wandering Minotaurs typically worship Kord.

Language: Wannith Minotaurs speak Common and their own language, a combination of bestial roars and growls. They prefer to speak Common amongst strangers, only using their language amongst family. Wannith Minotaurs, like Halflings, have a rich oral history and so very little written language can be found. Those few who do write often detail legends of their race.

Names: Wannith Minotaurs typically choose names that best describe their personality, for the first few years of their lives they go nameless. At the age of sixty they may select their name. Up until then they are known simply as child. The most popular name is Wannith, but only those of exceptional strength and charisma may select this name. Wannith Minotaurs are ferociously proud of their names and it takes little provocation to cause one to attack someone over insults to their name.

Male Names: Whisperer, Deep Bellow, Proud Horns, Scarlet Fur, Blade Claw, Proud Singer, Story Weaver and Huge Oak.

Female Names: Mother, Gentle Hands, Soft Tongue, Sweet Milk, Tender Arms, Ivory Horns and Trample Hooves.

Adventurers: Wannith Minotaurs are quite likely to pursue the adventuring life. Their fascination with storytelling compels them to wander the world, collecting tales and songs to bring with them when they return home. Others seek to right the wrongs of the other races, battling for those who do not possess strength. A few are driven by greed, but such individuals are incredibly rare.

Wannith Minotaur Racial Traits

*+4 Strength, Cha -3, Int -1. Wannith Minotaurs still possess extraordinary strength but are moderately more intelligent than their Minotaur descendants.

*Large: Wannith Minotaurs are incredibly large and thus lose -1 to their AC when combating smaller creatures.

*Charge: Wannith Minotaurs may charge with their heads lowered so that their horns can be of some use. This allows the character to make a single gore attack which deals 2d6+6 points of damage.

*Wannith Minotaur base speed is 30ft.

*Wannith Minotaurs get +4 to Search, Spot and Listen skill checks due to their natural cunning.

*Automatic Languages: Common and Wannith Minotaur. Bonus Languages: Dwarf, Giant, Goblin and Terran.

*Favoured Class: Fighter. A multiclass Wannith Minotaur's Fighter class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty. The urge to fight drives the Wannith to train as skilled warriors.