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A simple harmonic oscillator with frequency Hz is allowed to come to thermal equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T. The spacing between energy levels for a SHO is hf, where h is Planck's constant.

a) For what T is the probability that the S.H.O. is in the first excited state P1 just the probability that it is in the ground (lowest energy) state, P0?
T = K

b) If T is only the value in part a), what is the ratio P1/P0?
P1/P0 =

c) At the T of part (b), what is the ratio of the probability of the oscillator being in the second excited state to the probability of it being in the first excited state?

d) Now suppose you have an Einstein solid made up of a very large number of these oscillators. At the T of parts (b) and (c), what is the average thermal energy per oscillator?
U per SHO = J

e) If the 3-D solid has atoms, what is its total heat capacity for T >> hf/k?
C = J/K
