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Water and Steam

At T = 100 oC, liquid water is in equilibrium with water vapor with p = 1 atm = 1.01* 105 Pa. The density of liquid water is 103 kg/m3. The molecular weight of water is 0.018 kg/mole. Consider a cylinder of water (liquid +vapor) held at T = 100 oC. There is kg total mass of water (in all forms) in the cylinder.

(Assume pV = NkBT, where N is the number of molecules and use 2256000 J/kg for the latent heat of vaporization of water.)

a) What is the volume when all of the water is liquid?
V = m3

b) As the volume is increased, at what volume does the last of the liquid water turn to vapor?
V = m3

c) If heat is added (vaporizing the liquid) so that the water expands from the volume in part (a) to the volume in part (b), keeping T and p constant, slowly forcing a piston outwards, how much work is done on the piston?
W = J

d) How much heat had to flow into the system in the process in part (c)?
Q = J

e) How much did the internal energy of the water change in this process?
DU = J