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Hey, Exxon Mobil Campaigners!

Is Campaign ExxonMobil just like ExxonMobil?

Campaign leaders are better paid than followers.

SEED leader Peter Altman gets $54,000 a year. What do you get? Inequality!

Campaign leaders are intolerant and dictatorial.

When Uproar activist Erin Howley tried to unionize the green group known as ACORN, they fired her! What would happen if you tried to unionize Campaign ExxonMobil? You’d be outa here!

Campaign groups are corporations too!

"Non-profit"? Makes no difference. Their money comes straight from big-profit corporations, only it goes through more hands.

Campaign leaders are sneaky and secretive.

CorpWatch, a major player in preparing this protest, hides under the umbrella of the Tides Center, which gets vast amounts of corporate dividends from big-money foundations and uses it to recruit grunt workers like you. Ask CorpWatch’s director Joshua Karliner how much he makes (if he’ll talk to you). Ask CorpWatch how much it makes. Ask them where their donation money comes from. Ask them who their group gives money to. Ask them where all the money for this protest came from. See if their answers contain any names or numbers. See if they’ll talk to you at all.

Exxon Mobil has to reveal salary, revenue and expenditure details.

Why not Campaign ExxonMobil?

And why not to YOU?

Question authority.

Question Campaign ExxonMobil authority first.


This annoying educational message brought to you by the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, a Bellevue, Washington-based nonprofit organization defending profit in the public interest. Our salary, revenue and expenditure details are posted on our website at (Where are Campaign ExxonMobil’s salary, revenue and expenditure details posted?) And no, ExxonMobil didn’t pay us to do this.