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Yeah, sure!

Look who’s paying for Campaign ExxonMobil

The Energy Foundation is the biggest donor.

They’ve given half a million bucks to Peter Altman’s group. He’s the executive director of Campaign ExxonMobil.

Only that’s a front group. It’s really the Texas Fund for Energy and Environmental Education. It has other front groups, too. SEED and Empower Democracy and Citizens Clean Air Campaign. Peter calls himself the executive director of whichever one sounds best at the moment. He gets a salary of $54,000 a year to do that. Ask him. If he’ll talk to you.

Campaign ExxonMobil’s strings are also pulled by Chris Doran, who sometimes says he’s with PressurePoint, but other times admits he works for Greenpeace.

Why is it that all these activist organizations have to hide behind all these front groups, and inside so many corporate shells? Especially when they’re always demanding complete transparency and honesty for corporations and government agencies? What is it they really don’t want you to know?

Where does The Energy Foundation get its money?

It’s a conglomerate of 7 giant foundations

The Energy Foundation gets its money from multi-billion-dollar investments in multinational corporations. They invest in big oil and gas companies like BP, Atlantic Richfield, and Phillips Petroleum. Their shares of common stock pay dividends from the profits of big multinationals. They give away the dividends to groups like Peter Altman’s. His group and others that get the same multinational money make Campaign ExxonMobil possible. Keep it radical!

Do you feel radical now?

This annoying educational message brought to you by the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, a Bellevue, Washington-based nonprofit organization defending profit in the public interest. Our salary, revenue and expenditure details are posted on our website at And, no, Exxon Mobil didn’t pay us to say this.