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Sport Psychology in Practice

 (Mark B. Andersen, Editor)

Published July, 2005


Human Kinetics Publishers

Champaign, Illinois, USA

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Table of Contents

               Introduction by Mark Andersen                

Part I: Team Work: Doing Sport Psychology with Groups

            Chapter 1: The Selling or the Telling of Sport Psychology? Presenting Services to Coaches

                                    -Harriet Speed, Mark Andersen, and Jeff Simons

             Chapter 2: Presenting Mental Skills to Young Teams: Integrating Mental and Physical Skill Instruction

                                    -Clay Sherman and Artur Poczwardowski

             Chapter 3: But Coach Doesn’t Understand: Dealing with Team Communication Quagmires

       -Kevin Burke

             Chapter 4: “I have a friend who…” Group Work on Weight and Body Image

                                    -Mark Andersen and Kristen Peterson 

Part II: Rules of the Game

             Chapter 5: The Skin Game: Extra Points for Looking Good                                                                

                                   -Mark Andersen and Helen Fawkner

            Chapter 6: Returning to Self: The Anxieties of Coming Back After Injury

                                    -Britton Brewer and Al Petitpas

            Chapter 7: On Stage: Mental Skills Training for Dancers

                                    -Stephanie Hanrahan

                             Commentary on Chapter 7

       -Kate Hays

             Chapter 8: Facilitating Change for Athletes Abusing Alcohol

                                    -Robert Stainback and Robert Taylor

             Chapter 9: Over One’s Head: Referral Processes

                                    -Mark Andersen and Judy Van Raalte

            Chapter 10: Touching Taboos: Sex and the Sport Psychologist

                                    -Mark Andersen

                               Commentary on Chapter 10

       -William Strean. and Herbert Strean

 Part III: Expanding Repertoires, Understanding Self: Diversity in Service Delivery

             Chapter 11: Raising the Bar: Developing an Understanding of Culturally, Ethnically, and Racially Diverse Athletes

                                    -William Parham

                                Commentary on Chapter 11

       -Heather Gridley                                                                                                          

Chapter 12: Able Athletes with Disabilities: Issues and a Sample Group Session

                                    -Stephanie Hanrahan

   Chapter 13: Homophobia and Sport Psychology Service: Straight Guys Working with Gay Guys

                                    -Mathew Martens and Michael Mobley

   Chapter 14: The Elephant in the Lockerroom: Opening the Dialogue about Sexual Orientation on Women’s Sport Teams 

                                    -Heather Barber and Vikki Krane

             Chapter 15: Coming Full Circle: From Practice to Research

                                    -Mark Andersen


-Robert C. Eklund

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