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Examination for Lieutenant/The Fire Ships

Acting Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower
Wearing that lovely straw hat
Don’t let that “Aye aye, Captain” go to your head, now
Squinting into the sun
A very Mr. Darcy expression
“Does he, indeed?”
“I would consider it my duty to help speed your release from this world.”
A skosh nervous
“Are you a carpenter?”
For heaven’s sake, let the man study!
“Belay that!”
Doncha just love internal conflicts like this one here?
“I know my duty, sir.”
Reacting to something Pellew said
In his nightshirt
Quite studious, this one. Yup. That’s why I like him. Uh huh. Precisely why.
Those poor Marines. Never get any glory. Here's one being upstaged by Gruffudd’s teeth
A leetle embarrassed about his hat
Evidently, there was a flamethrower on board
He should just stay wet the entire series. It is a naval series, after all.
Don’t go getting all philosophical on us, now.

Other characters
Captain Pellew
I love this guy
Tapling coming aboard
“…‘e felt the icy hand of death upon ‘im.”
Hmm… Wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.
Lieutenant (?) Bracegirdle
Captain Foster
The cook
The nervous midshipman from the examination

Multiple Characters
Hornblower and Stiles
Matthews and Hornblower
“May we be quarantined for the rest of our lives!”
A senseless waste
Pellew and Hornblower profiles
“Singed, but triumphant!”
Mr. Bracegirdle and Mr. Hornblower

The Catalina
The Indefatigable

An Even Chance/The Duel
Examination for Lieutenant/The Fire Ships
The Duchess and the Devil
The Frogs and The Lobsters/The Wrong War
Mutiny and Retribution