this study guide covers up to friday (1-26-01) lecture...
it will be updated after each lecture that will be included on the first exam, so check back...
understand stoichiometric coefficients and balancing (this stuff is essential to pretty much everything else on this exam so be very comfortable with it...)
know the conservation of matter and how it applies to balancing equations...
its often helpful to assign coefficients to diatomic species last
understand what theoretical yield is, how its different from actual yield and how to get % yield
being able to convert from mass to moles and moles to mass using molecular weight is very important as these are often the first and last steps in a problem...
understand and be able to use stoichiometric factors/ratios... these are important throughout the exam material for limiting reactant and thermodynamic equations...
limiting reactant will undoubtedly be on the test, so know all the different ways it can be presented (find remaining excess reactants, moles or mass of product, etc.)
know and follow the general plan for stoichiometric calculations
(mass reactant -> moles reactant -> moles product -> mass product)
the same reaction with different concentrations of reactant may change the limiting reactant...
remember conservation of matter to avoid unnecessary calculations at the end of limiting reactant problems...
understand the differences and characteristics of ionic vs. covalent bonding
different forms of ionic equations, spectator ions, etc...
understand driving forces of different types of reactions (forming gas, precipitate, or water) this comes up again in thermodynamics...
maybe a little about oxidation states, similar to homework
basic thermodynamic definitions (heat, energy, enthalpy, etc.)
conservation of energy
maybe a little specific heat capacity
changes in state and associated heat (similar to above... (just the basics))
exothermic = heat lost to surroundings = favorable = - change in enthalpy
opposite for endothermic
hesss law
add reactions with known enthalpy to get the enthalpy change of the desired reaction...
someone brought a good practice problem to my attention in one of the sessions... chapter 15 #35...
use heats of formation to find the enthalpy change for an unknown reaction...
use bond energies to calculate the enthalpy change for a reaction...
for all the above procedures remember that the values you are using (bond energies and heats of formation) will be given in tables on the exam...
focus on experiments that gave important knowledge about the parts of an atom (thompson, millikan, rutherford, goldstein, maybe stoney...)
understand what they discovered and a very basic set up for their experiment...
understand how one experiment follows from previous experiments...
know what is meant by Z, A, proton, neutron, electron, amu, wavelength, frequency and know the basic nuclear structure for atom (rutherford)...
daltons atomic theory
have a basic understanding of the photoelectric effect and how the particle nature of light explains it...
be comfortable using prefixes to indicate decimal place... table 1-5...
have some feel for the dual nature of subatomic particles... they can only be accurately described when viewed as having both particle and wave characteristics...
basic idea of how a mass spectrometer works (based on canal ray experiment...)
planck and the quantization of energy... solves ultraviolet catastrophe...
be able to do calculation involving wavelength or frequency and the energy of a photon... or a mole of photons...
have an idea about the wavelengths associated with parts of the visible spectrum (namely red...)
make sure you understand how energy varies with increasing and decreasing frequency and wavelength...
have a basic understanding of why atomic line spectra gives discreet lines...
balmer series is for the visible portion of hydrogens spectrum... lymann is for non visible...
understand emission vs. absorption spectra...
know what was wrong and right with bohrs model of the atom...
be able to give a general explanation of quantum/wave mechanics...
debroglie said moving objects have wave properties...
schrodinger applied this to electrons and developed the wave equation...
this gives orbitals of allowed (quantized) energy where electrons can be found)...
orbital are areas where it is likely that an electron will be at any given instant...
understand what the heisenbberg uncertainty principle means...
be very comfortable with what each quantum number means and what values it can take on...
know which l values correspond to which types of orbitals...