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what kind of freak calls himself dorkula???

so, in case you want to know who this dorkula character is, ill tell you a little about myself...

school stuff

i am presently in my senior year at wayne state university, studying biology with a minor in chemistry... i hope to continue my education through an eventual phd...
at the moment im leaning towards studying environmental toxicology in grad school (possibly university of wisconsin, madison)... i think the field of bioremediation is what i want to do... tho i would also like to teach college biology... this has changed a couple times since i started college, so well see...

employment stuff

This summer i am working in a lab as a research assistant at the wayne state medical school normally i work at wayne state as a tutor and a supplemental instructor...
im sure you all know what a tutor does, supplemental instruction is similiar, except that i attend the lectures of one particular class, take tests and everything... and i set up sessions to help groups of students in that class, so its sort of a cross between tutoring and a study session...
its a good job, i learn a lot and get to help people, and basically get to set my own hours...
i started out as a supplemental intructor for general chemistry, and did that for two semesters... then i did a basic biology class (basic life mechanisms) and then i did organic chemistry 1...
this semester im tutoring organic chemistry 2... should be a good time for everyone... woohoo organic chemistry...
i tutor most biology classes up to physiology, and the first couple chemistry classes...

dork stuff

as you may have already gathered, im an enormous dork... i love star trek and x files, have huge crushes on winona ryder and milla jovovich, and spend most of my time studying, reading, and playing d&d with some friends...
i have an inexplicable fascination with anyone larger than life enough to be utterly cheesy (most notably michael jackson, elvis, and jesus christ)
also, i have a fairly unique appreciation for all things tasteless/tacky/gaudy...

body modification stuff

i have quite a few body piercings, as well as an ever increasing number of tattoos... these started when i was 15 with my first piercing and has continued ever since... i feel that body modification can be far more than a fashion statement... for me this practice holds real meaning...
for a far more comprehensive look at my various modifications, check out the section devoted entirely to that end (follow the link from the main menu...)

audio stuff

music is a modpodge... i like punk, goth, industrial, opera, world, trip hop, classical, hardcore, novelty, and various other tidbits...
some of my favorite bands include...
skinny puppy, siouxsie and the banshees (creatures, too...) the cure, dead kennedys, the exploited, nick cave and the bad seeds, pj harvey, miranda sex garden, big black, black tape for a blue girl, mindless self indulgence, rasputina, milla, the murmurs, dr. octagon, dj spooky, radiohead, avail, the cramps, cranes,tori amos, wumpscut, bjork, joy division, new order, portishead, tricky, whale, pigface, ani difranco, babble, my bloody valentine, sonic youth, cocteau twins, dead can dance, this mortal coil, annie lennox, danny elfman, wire, the damned, system of a down, dying fetus, face down in shit, paralax view, god speed you black emperor, aphex twin, voodoo glow skulls, bikini kill, neurosis, tea party, david bowie, talking heads, janes addiction, velvet acid christ, nine inch nails, legendary pink dots, cradle of filth, mortiis, the cardigans, cranberries, consolidated, diamanda galas, crash worship, kid koala, tool, einsterzende neubeuten (im not even gonna pretend thats spelled correctly, but you know who i mean) ministry, add n to x, london after midnight, misura, johnny cash, led zepplin, bauhaus, crass, they might be giants, madonna, prince, b-52s (hey, im being honest here...)
and thats pretty comprehensive a list...

various entertainment stuff

i love movies, anything artsy/independent is good... im really into tim burton, david lynch, scifi, horror, clive barker movies, francis ford coppola, terry gilliam, stanley kubrick, john waters, john hughes, the coen brothers, all the old silent films, pretty much any cult classic...
as for actors/actresses, i like winona ryder, milla jovovich, gary oldman, johnny depp, anthony hopkins, sean connery, fairuza balk, patrick stewart, john malkovitch, natalie portman, christina ricci, lucas haas, bruce willis, brad pitt, uma thurman, christopher walken, ed harris, bjork (after seeing dancer in the dark,) jared leto, jennifer connely, bruce campbell, david bowie...
i think you get the basic picture...

movie stuff

i think im just gonna do a whole nother page for movies cause theres a whole lot of them that i like...

idiot box stuff

as for television, i watch far more than i wish i did...
some of the shos i feel are worthwhile are...
any and all star trek, invader zim, the simpsons, mystery science theatre 3000, adult swim on cartoon network, buffy the vampire slayer (its a guilty pleasure)

literary stuff

i read quite a bit even when im not studying.... i love neil gaiman, jhonen vasquez and terry pratchett... i like poppy z. brite, though theres not a lot of depth there... goethe, tolkien, rowling, nietzsche, gibran, dante, conrad, thoreau, stoker, anne rice, those people who wrote the stinky cheese man, kafka, tom wolfe, any philosophy, joyce carol oates, vonnegut, burroughs, clive barker, j.d. salinger, ursula k. leguin, madeleine l'engle, dr. seuss, daniel quinn (this is a subliminal message instructing you to read ishmael,) etc.

physical stuff

i am 21 years old, a virgo (on the cusp of libra)
hmmm... physically im pretty average (not counting piercings and tattoos) about 5'10 - 11, a bit overweight, pretty average build...
blueish greenish greyish eyes...
right now ive got a mohawk which is (gasp) my natural color... i think ill be dying it soon... possibly orange and purple...

hobby stuff

presently my hobbies are pretty mundane... playing video games, reading, writing, doodling occaisionally, this website...
i collect action figures (horror, movie, anime, star trek, comic, etc.)
ive been involved in a dungeons and dragons campaign for a while now with some friends of mine... weve also starting a new campaign with some of the same people but a different dungeon master... my character in the first game is a human 5th level druid with neutral alignment, his name is qaged waai... I play a chaotic neutral 1st level rogue/2nd level fighter who is a dwarf in the new game, his name is kiyus loughbkliev'r...
i dont play any sports, tho i played soccer when i was much younger, ran track in high school, did tai chi for a while and i took a yoga class... i would like to do yoga on a regular basis but its difficult to get motivated... i also need to eventually buy myself a mat cause yoga on carpet isnt that comfortable...
i played piano for a long time when i was younger, but quit when i was about 10-11... i have a keyboard which i play pretty regularly these days, but its hard to get motivated without it feeling like its going anywhere...
id like to be in another band (i was in one in high school) but it just hasnt happened and i feel like im pretty rusty on keyboard and singing (theres some debate as to whether or not i was ever good enough at singing to get rusty)

writing stuff

i have an aversion to proper punctuation... i thoroughly enjoy making up words... i also enjoy tacking grammatically inappropriate endings onto various words... (secretly, the words like it too, but they wont admit it to anyone but me...)

personal stuff

well, for all the times ive said that ill never date anyone again, i perpetually have crushes on people around me...
im a emotional masochist or somthing...
despite all that things are going pretty well right now...
if anyone actually cares about whats currently going on in my life (which is doubtful as i dont even think i fall into this category presently) you can check out the link to my live journal (personal log) on the main page...

aspirations stuff

i hope to one day become a mad scientist and do my part to help save the world from corporate america/corporate everywhere else...
additionally, i would like to fall asleep on national television, have a complete stranger tell me that my face bares a striking resemblance to a tackle box, travel extensively, live as a hermit for a significant amount of time, do performance art, poop on the hood of an expensive car while wearing a zorro mask, cape and chaps, sit comfortably in full lotus posture for an extended period of time, be in a band (again), perform with a freakshow at least once, become enlightened, teach people, and be an extra on star trek and in a troma movie...

fear stuff
hmmm... what am i afraid of...
automatic doors (garage or otherwise), elevators, conflict, myself, anyone i have feelings for, ruining the planet beyond its ability to heal, large crowds of people, malls in particular, centipedes, earwigs and silverfish, growing up (mentally, not physically), rednecks, family gatherings, death of loved ones, large vehicles, drugs, my own weakness, the government/corporation/military industrial complex, the future...
tho i think its safe to say that my greatest fear is failure and/or not living up to my full potential...

more stuff

i am very environmentally aware/active...
i consider myself neo pagan, but incorporate ideas from everywhere into my own personal brand of spirituality...
i am straight edge (no, drinking/drugs/alcohol/smoking) and mostly vegan (no animal products)...
well, im sick of typing now so ill add more as it suits me...
-ta, dorkula