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i havnt been keeping too up to date on this whole gnus flash thingie, but i have been making some changes to nerdulon...
ive added a couple new conspiracies, a page for my doodles, which i think turned out pretty neat...
also ive been scanning and uploading pictures from my trip to europe a year ago and once i figure out a format that i like ill be making those available for viewing...
im also trying to redo all my logos using ms paint... i havnt gotten very far as of yet, but maybe ill do some more work on it this weekend...
ive been toying with the idea of getting my own domian name and be done with this angelfire stuff, but im not quite sure yet... ill have to find out a bit more about whats involved...
ill keep you posted...
-ta, dorkula

so ive been adding new stuff on a more regular basis than ever before...
most recently i added a page with pictures of friends and another one of my pets...
i finally added another conspiracy, tho i dont even really think its a conspiracy and will prolly move it once i figure out another place to put it...
i dont think i like the new banners so im trying to figure out a way to make neat ones by myself, but its not going so well so far...
hmm... yeah... oh, i also added a link to my live journal in case anyone cares about the humdrum of my daily life...
i was hesitant to do this at first, but then figured what the hell...
thats about it for now...
more as it comes...
-ta, dorkula

so, ive actually been doing quite a bit with nerdulon...
i put up a little section for the biology course im tutoring this semester... i added a quotes page... documented a bit about my nipple piercing experience on body modification day...
i also recently found out that, the place where i was getting my niphty alien glow logos, went down or got moved or somthing... regardless, i went to one of angelfires tool thingys and used it to make the new banners i needed...
theres good and bad to this... the new banners are kinda neat as theyre animated gifs and the font matches that of the old ones and i can now match the color perfectly to that of the text...
on the other hand, i really liked the alien glow, so im keeping some of the old page headers, but for the lists of links to specific pages im gonna try to replace them all with new logos...
i tried to work it so that they spin opposite the nearest nighbors, but for some reason it looks different on every computer i try, so who knows...
i guess thats about all for now...
i posted some new and pretty depressing poetry, i think six new poems in all... the last three were written in the span of a day... im pretty sure i dont like them, but whatever...
if you want evidence of severe mood swing boy, you need look no farther than the poems the calm, and the storm 1 & 2... its amazing how drastically ones state of mind can change over the course of a couple hours...
-ta, dorkula

hey everyone... i just took my last final and it sucked pretty bad...
at least im done, for a whopping week, or was it six days??? does it really matter???
so, im gonna try to change a couple things around on nerdulon over the brief respite from all things scholastic...
im still hoping to con someone with a scanner into letting me scan some of my notebook doodles to put up, some of them are pretty neat... also, i want to start a page of quotes from whatever sources catch my eye (music, books, movies, whatever)
also, dont forget about body modification day this may 11... i know what im getting pierced, do you???
well, i guess thats about all for now...
-ta, dorkula

so ive been lazy for quite a while and have done little and/or nothing with the site for quite some time... its completely my fault, and i apologize... sort of a combination of school and personal stuff and plain old lack of motivation... i have finals tomorrow and next tuesday, so hopefully ill be able to do at least a little work on things in my wopping 5 day break between this semester and next...
im in a really crappy mood so im gonna screw with a couple minor things and then get back to studying...
again, sorry about being absent for so long... not like anyone notices or cares...
-ta, dorkula

hello again...
so, ives spent the last way too many days working on the section with my body modification fotos and while i havnt double checked everything, im pretty sure its up and running more or less properly...
the link to the pages can be found on the homeplanet page and at the bottom of the bodily alterations page...
the pictures are still a little crappy, but now that ive got the page layout done itll be a piece of cake to just take new fotos and swap them, so check back from time to time and maybe ill have some new pics up...
thats all for now...
-ta, dorkula

yee gods...
already february???
hmmm... brain function ceased at least several hours ago...
got another brilliant idea to forgo sleep and put up soem of the picture pages...
its now some number of minutes after 5 of the clock in the frickin morning... and boy are my arms tired???
no wait... thats for after flying...
im a dork...
anywho, the room is starting to spin and thats my cue to vamoose and snooze a couple hours before going to school to learn more about the fastenating world of biochemistry...
yeah, so i put up a couple awful pictures of myself which will be promptly replaced once i have a chance to shave and sleep and take some better ones...
also i did a ton of work putting up crappy pictures of some of my art, so look at them damnit...
i need to rejuvenate...
now where the hell did i put my alcove???
right, cargo bay 2...
-ta, dorkula

this past weekend me and my brother spent a good deal of saturday noodling around with the computer...
actually, he did most of the noodling and i did most of the sitting around looking confused...
regardless, we updated windows and installed dreamweaver... also, we got the digital camera all hooked up and installed...
the one thing is that the crappy low quality videos dont work, but the camera bit does and thats the important part...
so, im gonna try to get a picture page up by this weekend or maybe next weekend at the latest...
im also gonna start fiddling with dreamweaver and seeing whats going on with that and mayhaps nerdulon will get another revamp in the near future...
basically what im saying is good stuff on the way...
also im trying to join or have already joined (im not entirely sure which) this revolutionary dork webring which has some neat sites, so check it out...
-ta, dorkula

as always. i have a somewhat valid excuse for being scarce... ive been working on a website for the supplemental instruction course im doing this semester...
fun with general chemistry...
so i havnt been doing to much with nerdulon recently other than adding a few new icons here and there...
i added a little download thing on the links page so people can get the morpheus font i use to do the site...
as to whether or not it works i have yet to establish...
ive tried it on two computers so far... mine and an imac at school and neither has worked, but im not sure if that means anything as lots of things dont work on my computer and it may just be an incompatibility thing with the imacs...
if anyone has any feedback on whether or not they can get the stinky download thing to work, i am eager to hear...
also, i mentioned a while ago that i may be getting a digital camera to post pictures of myself, my friends, and various body modifications...
this has now been confirmed (more or less) ill prolly be getting the camera and a crazy port type deal to hook it up to my puter...
fun stuff...
guess thats about it for now...
until next time...
-ta, dorkula

so happy new year and all that crap...
didnt get around to doing as much to the site over break as i had planned but thats okay...
new years was pretty fun for me... i had a couple friends over for a vegan/straight edge sleep over type deal...
i think the highlight of the evening would definitely have to be celebrating the new tear by making naked snowangels in my back yard... its becoming like tradition for me and a few of my friends...
so, yeah... posted a couple new poems, i think maybe only one person has signed my guestbook who was not specifically told to do so... whether this means that the only people coming to my site are people that i tell to come, or whether people just dont like signing guestbooks i have no idea...
ummm, yeah so the new semester started today... my teachers seem pretty neat... im taking biosynthesis and metabolism (which is basically a biochemistry course from a biology point of view...) also im taking ecology and evolution, inorganic chemistry, and a introduction to fiction course...
ive been thinking about adding on another section for work ive done for school that i think goes beyond just being an assignment...
i wrote a couple persuasive papers that i think merit going in the thoughts section and so on... so maybe thatll be possible in the near future...
well, some more studying and then star trek for me...
-ta, dorkula

hello again...
so, ive been a little lax so far over break... i took my last final last thursday and ive mostly been trying to forget it ever since...
lots of reading and video games...
i got the sacred heart tattoo dealy on my chest colored in the first day of break and it turned out fantastic... colorful and great shading... definitely a good experience for my first color tattoo...
im getting the straight edge tattoo on my knee touched up this coming friday... i know not much heal time for the chest, but it healed fast the first time, and its going to be a while before i can go so long without much walking if i dont do it now...
as for nerdulon... im going to try to spiff out the whole poetry section to catch it up with the not so recent revamp of the site... ive got a neat blacksilk background im using for the poetry and other stuffs for thoughts and conspiracies and whatnot...
regardless of whether or not you can tell, practically the entire website is done in this neat o morpheus font... unfortunately, one can only see this if they have the font installed on their computer... so im either gonna try to figure out how to let you download it from here
(any suggestions on how this can be accomplished are very welcome...)
or maybe ill just try doing a link to the site where i got it from... that way you can experience nerdulon in all its neat fonted glory...
i also added a guestbook a little while back and i notice that only myself and two friends have signed it so get cracking people...
well, i guess thats about all for now... still waiting on the digital camera to give you pictures of body modifications, so thatll be up whenever its possible...
-ta, dorkula

12-7-00 (i think)
ho billy... well, i think its at least 3-4 hours ive been working on this dang site... i think ive finally got all the new netscape composer stuff up and running reasonably well...
i added a ton of new logos for each of the pages and links and all that crap... my heart gos out to the gimp who runs, without this page none of these logos would have been even remotely possible...
well, im gonna keep this short as my eyes are starting to cross, my butt has long since fallen asleep, and im damn sick of computers...
yeah, tons of new stuff, a whole new level of dorkiness... i think i learned more in this one night than i did in an entire semester of web design classes at my high school, not too surprising, but noteworthy...
so, look at all the old stuff in all its newfangled glory... still a couple corrections id like to make, but im prolly gonna wait a couple days to let myself get caught up on the homework ive been neglecting...
finals are coming up right after 4th exams (which are next week) so ill be scarce for a short bit, but after that itll be back inside my head for more wisdom from dorkula...
im sure there is more i wanted to put up here, but my brain is not functioning... good thing i have to go to school in a few hours (the time is now 5:39 in the am...)
-ta, dorkula

okay, so i know it seems like there have been little to no changes around nerdulon the last week or so... nothing could be further from the truth...
i have been redoing absolutely everything using netscape composer... so as soon as the renovations are complete it will be like a whole new site...
okay, so itll be the same site, but much improved... i think this will also make future modifications much easier and will be a very good thing in the long run...
im gonna try to work out all the kinks (in the site, that is...) before i post any of the new stuff... so you may have to suffer with some absent content til then...
i know some things around nerdulon are a little screwed up, all i have to say is that rainbow text sucks and angelfire doesnt allow enough room in a single file... i uploaded some stuff from home, and when it got to angelfire the end got deleted cause it was too big...
it took me forever to figure out what was wrong, and now itll take just a little longer to fix things, but not to worry... dorkula is on the case...
(wait, did i say "not to worry"?)
so, yeah, ill try to fix things up as soon as possible, but not to worry, things can only get better...(unless youre terminally ill) k, thats all for now...
-ta, dorkula


i just got started on the whole letting you know the extent of my body modifications... no pictures yet, but im still working on it...

i might try to get the whole conspiracy thing started some time today (describing them, not actually
participating/initiating them...)

ummm, yeah, so i got tattooed again today...
it went pretty well aside from a few rough spots (pain wise...) the design is great, my tattooist is so talented... i came to him with scattered bits of garbled idea and he transformed them into something wonderful... boy am i a cheese ball (of the non dairy variety, of course...)

hmmm, guess thats all for now... -ta, dorkula


okay, once again its been a while since i did anything new and exciting with nerdulon... my excuse is pretty valid (unless youre one of my friends, in which case you think i should quit school and join the circus)

ive had a ton of tests the last little while, but today was my last one for a while and im gonna try to spend some time over tofurkey break fixing things up a bit...

also, my current notebook is just about full, and ive posted most of the poetry in there, so im going to start going through some of my older stuff, looking for anything thats not embarrassing...

a caution tho, some of the older stuff rhymes a lot more than the newer stuff, so if you hate rhyming poetry just stay away...

lets see... im also gonna try adding in some of my crazy conspiracy theories... i dont know yet if theyll be exclusively nerdulon conspiracies, or if ill thro some earthly ones in too... youll just have to wait and see...

well, i think thats about all for now... im gonna try throwing some pictures into the nerdulon mix also... i still dont have any of me, but hopefully soon...

another interesting tidbit... i was sitting in the cafeteria/eating area/whatever at school today and i got two separate groups of people to scream, all by myself...

im just sitting there, and the first group starts asking my friend if her septum piercing hurt.... she said no, and then they saw me and asked me if mine hurt.... i said no and asked them if they wanted to see a neat trick... they took the bait...  so i took out my jewelry and shoved a pen through my nose... they shrieked and made me repeat the trick several times...

the second time some girls were asking about my earlobe (the whole "oh my god, is the hole really that big" thing) so i slid the talon up to a thinner part so they could see through it... not only did they scream, but they jumped back from the table too...

i was gonna whip out the pen again, but i decided the janitors would be none too happy with me if they had to mop up urine...

so, anywho, thats my story... -ta, dorkula


im starting to feel a little more comfortable with the amount of poetry ive got up, so im snazzing things out a little...

some backgrounds i think are pretty spiffy and trying to get better with the whole html thing...

ive gotten no mail from anyone, so either no one cares to visit the crappy planet inside my head or everyone who does immediately goes insane and smashes in their computer monitor with their head... either way, i get no feedback...

please drop me a line if only to say that you hate me and hope i die a horrible death involving dismemberment, hair plucking, needle nose pliers, a red hot poker, 2 weasels, paper cuts, and amateur dentistry...

what was i talking about again... i think i got a little carried away...

anyway, write me... bye...


ive been trying to put up at least one new poem a day, sometimes more... ive also been trying to make everything at least a little less bland...

some crappy backgrounds etc. im more worried about getting a decent volume of stuff to read posted before dedicating any serious time to appearances, though...

if anyone has any comments on poetry or the setup of nerdulon i welcome them... im not promising ill change anything or even care, but they are welcome all the same... i especially need advice from people who know how to make neat-o pages...

im kind of teaching myself html as i go along (its a very slow process as i am not the most wizardly when it comes to computers)...

anywho, email at the address found on the main page and maybe you can participate in making nerdulon a better place to visit...

-ta, dorkula

hmmm, so it halloween...

this page has been the same for so long because i, dorkula, in all my brilliant glory decided to start
doing this whole web page thing just before my midterms started...

im putting up at least a few new poems today and may actually start searching about for some pictures to spruce up the monotony around here... dont expect too much though, as the first page i tried to do was absolutely awful due to me trying to make it look neat...

one of my goals is to have pictures up that inspired my various tattoos, so theres something to look forward to...

a friend of mine also said that she might let me smush my face on her scanner to put up here and a couple other places... so you may get a glimpse of the tackle box that passes for my face...

ummm, yeah, so midterms went less than well, but thats okay... im just going to pretend that everything is honky dory and go on squandering my time doing things that are more fun than reading cell biology/genetics/analytical chemistry... which entails quite a bit...

errr, thats about all for now... stay tuned for more nuggets of unadulterated joy from your friend and mine (?)