
k, here are some neat o
places to check out... not as dorky as nerdulon, of course... but they
sites of people who have
beheld my spiky visage...

my brothers whacky page... far more creative than should be possible...

shes wicked cool... so we wont hold it against her that she goes to msu...

for all your body modification needs... from religious iconography to cross eyed titty bitches, from ear lobes to multiple transverse lobe projects...

electric superstition kustom tattoos... beyond excellent tattoos and piercings... very kustom, very kool... check them out... theyve seen me bleed...hehehe...

the site that is the one belonging to the boy known as pepito... sometimes described as andiliscious...

my crazy cousins site... he gets mad props, yo...
neat places by people
who i dont know, but which are still fun

electronic death of oyster boy... neat o tim burtony stuff
download morpheus font to experience nerdulon in all its dorky glory
links to the sites of some of my favorite bands