
Praseeda's online Dairy

Click here for the most RECENT entry created by Yours truly...that's me, doofus



**Slackers' Paradise...oh and food poisoning**

**3rd September, 2002.**

**Earth-shattering, mind-blowing news and updates!!**

**I'm back...AGAIN!!**

**I hate her**

**Catching up again**


**I yam what I yam and I yam Sam I yam**



**Episode V**

**Episode IV**

**Episode III**

**Episode II OF "Love Lies and 16th century england.**

**More stuff**


**I'M ALIVE!!!*

**No hostilities. None at all**


**Ok, so SHE lied...**

**Well well well...**


**I'll be fined, really. Just a bild fever ad a cold. I hade by sinus**

**Archie and The Gang in "Dancing and Romancing."****Archie and know, stuff that don't make sense...**

**Crushlink stuff...This time the mystery unfolds...**

**Stupid People...**

**Stuff...Like Crushlink...The adventures of B.O know...stuff**

**Part III**

**Part II**

**Part I**

**My one true**

**The Boy Who did not Care**

**Run Away**


**I miss her**

**I think I'm dumb...Or maybe just happy...[?]**

**A Time for revelations**

**Gasp*...Part II**


**Dreams ARE NOT wishes**

**Hating Everything.PartII.Oh Fuck off**

**Hating Everything.Part I.Even a doofus like Andy could read it and realize that its a dramatized version of my the bled perdu...**

**A short note to the dearly departed Kurt Cobain...**

**On Hiatus...**

**...If you are OK, A bear on your throat...**

**NC-17 "...My head felt giddy with desire..." what a load of bullshit!**

**Andy aint that bad afterall, shucks! [archie talk...]**


**Don't you talk to strangers...!**

**Random notes to the people I know and Love...NOT!! :o) **

**New House, New life?**

**...A Boy called Trey...**

**...My Day...**

**Claire the HO!**

**Charlene...are you SURE you don't have a the last name "KIM"?**

**Alliances Francaises: un bled perdu**

**Girls School girls...**


**On the love front...**

**Whatever Happened to Andy?...More random thoughts on 27/12/2001**


**The Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath**

**Oh Sarah, oh Sarah! What are we going to do with you?!**

**Poor, poor Cedric Diggory :*( **



**Love Letters**


** Stuff**

**Brette...The Anti Christ**

**Love thy neighbor...IF YOU DARE!!**

**Message from MKIM to PNAIR 2:45pm Hi**

**Not an Underaged Drinking Den!!**

**Me, myself and I**

**boredom has made me insane**


**Why, hello, Egah!**

**Screaming, Bleeding, Devil Demons From Hell...What!?! It's in the Script!**

** geography**

**Bitching about Sg**

**Great! I'm stuck with the cry baby character**

**Losers like HER**

**I'm just an overimaginative schizophrenic genius**

**I'm gonna try out my newly found html programming skills though Angelfire. Hmmph!**

**I am sooooo sleepy, dammit**

**Tom Fulp has Guts, Tv sux, and it's raining, dammit~**

**:o( Oh bignose, I .:HearT:. You, anyway, help me out, I feel crappy about having an ugly looking diary...**

** Life... :o( **

**Boo* Yes, It's me again... I guess I got kinda pathetic with this entry, huh?**