Disclaimer: I don’t own Sailor Moon or any of the scouts, or any plot parts I may use; they all belong to Naoko Takeuchi. However, the idea for the plot and changes to any characters is mine (forgive me, Naoko-sama!). If you are offended by non-PC jokes about religion, then don’t read this.

Prologue: Oy Vey

Four giggling girls pushed a sled down a park hill covered in snow. The girl they were pushing was protesting, her blond pigtails snapping in the wind. Across the street, two crones stood in front of a trash can fire watching them, high cackling voices raised against the winter wind that threatened to topple them.

“Oy, that Amy! So smart, but the hair! What boy would like a girl with hair shorter than his?”

“And that Lita, getting into those fights with the goyim boychiks all the time! It’s lucky she can cook, or she’d never get a nice boy!”

“But look at that Rei, all grown up and working at the shul now! Someday, she’ll be leading the women, making her zeyde proud!”

“And Mina, so beautiful! Ya know, last Tuesday I overheard Shlomie at the bakery asking about her? The poor boy, he doesn’t have a chance!”

A loud crash interrupted the two women. The pigtailed blond had fallen from the sled and face-first into the snow, and was now bawling louder than the shofar on Rosh Hashanah services. The women looked at each other and sighed.

“And then, there’s Serena.”

“Yeah, there is. Oy vey.”

Chapter 1

True, the blond was ditzy. And yes, what the crones were saying wasn’t just a wives’ tale.

But what nobody in the Boro Park community of Brooklyn, New York knew was that these five girls were the only hope for civilization; they were the Sailor Scouts, guardians of Earth and princesses of the solar system in their own right.

About a thousand years or so ago, Earth’s moon was inhabited by humans and their chosen queen Serenity. The solar system lived in peace for decades, until the Negaforce, ruled by Queen Metallia, invaded the Moon Kingdom and massacred its residents. To save them, Serenity sealed the attackers, as well as the Scouts, her daughter, and the Prince of Earth, inside the Imperium Silver Crystal with the last of her strength, and sent them all to Earth, a thousand years into the future, with the hope that they would live normal lives.

She was wrong.

Serenity knew that revenge is a powerful motivator, but she had no way of knowing that a thirst for revenge would spur Metallia to reawaken and attack more fiercely than before. The girls, reborn as Orthodox New York Jews, were awakened by their guardians Luna and Artemis, and learned of their past powers. Together, they destroyed Metallia forever, but new enemies followed soon. The Doom Tree, in need of human energy, attacked Earth, but was destroyed and reborn in order to start life anew. The Black Moon clan, banished by the future Neo-Queen Serenity, sought to destroy the past in order to pave their way to power in the future. With the help of her daughter Rini, traveling from the future to save the past, Sailor Moon defeated the clan, only to be confronted soon after by the Heart-snatchers from the Tau Nebula, who took the pure heart energy from innocents to feed their master Pharaoh 90. All of these enemies were destroyed. Rini returned to the future, only to return targeted by the Queen Nehellenia, from the dark side of Earth’s moon, who stole Rini’s dream and the golden crystal of Earth. Eventually, Nehellenia was banished, but brought back by the Scouts’ most powerful enemy.

Sailor Galaxia, contaminated by evil Chaos, roamed the galaxies in search of the Sailor Star Seeds, the essence and power of the Sailor Scouts throughout all universes. Galaxia was ruthless, killing hundreds of Sailor Soldiers before battling Sailor Moon and the Scouts on Earth. In a strange and wonderful twist of fate, Sailor Moon defeated Chaos and banished it back to its rightful place: inside the minds of humans. Sailor Moon and her scouts, while retaining their scout identities, returned to their normal lives and adopted the personae of their pre-Scout days.

Amy Anderson, the short-haired genius, was the most intelligent girl in the five boroughs. Scoring perfect 100s on all of the Regents exams in every subject, she had been offered internships at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and New York University. But the blue-haired guardian of the planet Mercury didn’t have time for that, for Amy was too busy guarding and protecting the earth from foreign enemies.

Rachel Hines was a politician’s daughter and a rabbi’s granddaughter. She lived with her grandfather, who was in charge of the local synagogue, B’nai Yisroel. She preferred to be called Rei, and so she was known in the community, as well as for being a responsible granddaughter and a pious woman. Yet the princess of Mars had grown up lonely, ostracized by her peers for her constant prayer and odd habit of talking to the two ravens which frequented the courtyard of the shul. She was taunted for her love of fire and her ability to light the Sabbath candles by thought. Besides her daily routine of working at the shul and attending school, Rei worked alongside the other Scouts by night, protecting the earth from foreign enemies.

Lita Cohen lived by herself in a small apartment off Ocean Avenue, half a mile from school and the shul. She had lost her parents in a plane crash when she was ten and had since lived alone. Naturally, her status intrigued the neighborhood gossips, who did not approve of a young girl living by herself. The warrior of Jupiter was hurt, but created a shell around herself that none could crack in order to see her emotions. Lita channeled her energy and used her unusually tall frame in karate (the gossips had not approved of this, either). Until a chance encounter with Serena and Amy, Lita isolated herself from her peers.

Mina Ahronovich lived with her parents, although with the amount of work they did for the community, she might as well have been living by herself. Mina had no siblings, and, before meeting the other Scouts, no friends. The sad girl was originally the heroine Sailor V, but in truth was the guardian of the planet Venus. Mina had lived for three years in England as Sailor V, in which time she had missed Boro Park immensely and but had returned only after retaining serious injuries in a house fire caused by a tormented youma. After regaining her health, Mina put away her Sailor V disguise and concentrated on living a normal life.

These four had been separated by a thousand years and thousands of miles. Now they would be reincarnated into young women in an Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York. But while their location and time differed, their mission was still the same: protect the Moon Princess, the REAL Queen of the World of the future.

Serena Weiss lived with her brother Shmuel and her parents in a small house four blocks from the shul. She was a decent student in school, and was a daughter any Jewish mother would have loved, for Serena ate more than both of her parents. Serena loved her parents, but longed for her home of the Silver Millennium of the past, and her true love, Daniel. Serena was the Princess reincarnate, a fact which at first she had been loath to believe. But as the years passed Serena came to realize her fate as future ruler of the world, and already had made great strides to eradicate all evil that had tormented her universe.

But the fates of the five young women were about to change, in ways that would transform them forever.

Hope you liked this; it was a bit long and took two weeks to write! More to come soon!