AS : I decided to do some holiday themed Fan Fiction stories. Starting out with a Kwanzaa story. That stars my character Sakura, because most of you out there don't know that she is the first and only African American Sailor Scout. Yes, it's true. And since so many people seem to like her, I thought why not do a holiday story about her?
SS : Wait Ryo-Chan aren't you the same nationality as A'marie?
AS : Yep. That is why I know so much about Kwanzaa, and now for you viewing pleasure….The Sailor Scouts' First Kwanzaa, aka A Very First Sailor Scout Kwanzaa. Do the disclaimer, PiecesOfGrace
PG : Angel Sere doesn't own Sailor Moon and The Scouts. They are owned by Naoko Takeuchi. However, she does own the Matsumoto family and other characters in this story. Sakura's name has been changed to A'marie.
The Sailor Scouts' First Kwanzaa (aka A Very First Tokyo Kwanzaa)
-------------------------------------------------- Tokyo, Japan, 2006 AD………………………
"It was the ending of a series of holidays for everyone. Christmas was near its end, and the city of Tokyo was adjusting to getting back to normal. A girl in another part of the city, however, was setting up for an upcoming celebration that happened every year after Christmas.
It was A'marie Matsumoto, or as they put it in Swahili, binti, which meant daughter. She was planning to have a big celebration with her family and friends. She wanted to introduce her friends to more of her culture.
"Ok I have the invitations finished!" She said as she placed each invitation in her bag and stood up from the desk she was sitting at. "I bet that they'll have a lot of fun at my party!"
-------------------------------------------------- Cherryhill Temple……………………………….
"Hi, everyone!" called A'marie as she entered the temple carrying her bag. "I want to invite all of you to a special party tomorrow night."
"What kind of party?" Asked Lita as she took the invitation from her friend. "If you want I can cook for the party."
A'marie smiled. "No, it's ok." She said. "I am going to have my mom cook some things."
"Um…A'marie…Hanukkah was a few weeks ago." Said Mina as she looked at the invitation. "I should know since I celebrated it with my family."
A'marie sweat dropped. "No, that isn't a menorah." She said. "It's actually a kinara."
"A what?" cried everyone in unison looking at A'marie.
A'marie smiled. "It's a kinara; it represents my family's roots, my parents, and people."
"What holiday is this for?" asked Raye.
"Kwanzaa." Said A'marie as she smiled. "It's my culture's holiday, and heritage, and I am going to have a special Kwanzaa party at my house and you're all invited."
"What's Kwanzaa?" asked Serena.
A'marie smiled. "It's a celebration of life, and the up life of human beings based on the Principles of African Culture." She said. "My family celebrated it every year since I was a little girl."
"Do we get presents on that day?" asked Serena but she was immediately elbowed by Amy.
A'marie nodded. "Yes, but the gifts aren't really meant to be taken for granted." She said. "I know that all of you will have a lot of fun at my party!"
"We'll come!" Said the Scouts in unison.
A'marie smiled and skipped out the doors to the temple, she had to go give Andrew his invitation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- the Crown Arcade……………………………
"A Kwanzaa party at your house?" Andrew looked at the special handmade invitation that A'marie had given him. "I'll be more than happy to come to the party."
A'marie smiled. "Oh how wonderful!" she said. "I am so happy that everyone will finally learn about my culture and heritage!"
"Go back to Africa!"
A'marie gasped and turned around when she saw a bunch of girls standing behind her. "What did you just say?"
"Go back to Africa!" said a girl with green hair. "We do not appreciate your kind around here."
A'marie glared at the girl. "What do you mean by my kind?" she asked. "What is wrong with me?"
"You're colored!" sneered the red head. "We do not like colored girls coming into our territory!"
A'marie's eyes filled with tears but she quickly hid them. "Who asked you to judge people by their skin color?"
"You should go back to Africa," said a girl with auburn hair that was cut into choppy layers. "We don't like colored people here in Tokyo!"
"Hey! Leave her alone!" said Andrew as he stepped protectively in front of A'marie. "She can go where she wants and see who she wants."
"Who asked you?" sneered the girl. "Come on let's go. We don't have time to deal with the likes of you."
As the girls, left, A'marie finally broke down and started to cry. Why was she being picked on because of her skin color? What did she ever do to deserve this?
"A'marie." said Andrew as he pulled her into his arms. "It'll be ok…you're fine just the way you are."
A'marie nodded and continued sobbing into Andrew's shirt. She never thought that she would encounter or face the things her parents faced when they were her age.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- walking home…………………………………
A'marie turned around and saw Serena, Darien, and Mina coming towards her. She tried her best to smile but it was no use.
"A'marie, what's the matter?" asked Serena as she noticed her friend's red eyes. "You've been crying?"
A'marie shook her head and wiped her eyes. "It's nothing." She said softly. "I am ok."
"A'marie, we know you better than that," said Darien. "You never cry for no reason."
"Come on, A'marie. Tell us." Said Mina. "We want to help."
A'marie nodded and began to tell them about what happened earlier in arcade. They walked to Sakura's house.
"I feel a lot better now since I told someone." Said A'marie. "I don't get why anyone wants to hate another person because of their skin color, hey everyone what's wrong?"
"A'marie…" said Serena as she pointed to the garage door of A'marie's house. There were the words GO BACK TO AFRICA! Painted on the door. Sakura felt her control slipping. She burst into tears and dashed into her house slamming the door behind her.
"Who did this?" asked Mina softly.
"I don't know, but were going to find out who did this and make them pay." Said Serena.
"Let's go tell the others about this." Said Darien as he, Mina, and Serena headed to the temple to let Amy, Raye, and Lita know what happened.
" Yeah. And we need to find a way to cheer her up too. Poor, A'marie." Serena said.
" I have an idea!" Mina said. She whispered it into Serena's ear. Serena smiled and nodded. She whispered it to Darien.
" That's a great idea! Let's tell the others." Darien said.
In her room, Sakura cried into her pillow. She didn't know why anyone would hate her because of her skin color. Was being black that bad?
"A'marie, dear. I brought you some tea," said Mrs. Matsumoto as she walked into the room. "What's the matter, baby?"
A'marie looked up at her mother and flung herself into her arms and started to cry. "Mom! Some girls in the arcade today told me to go back to Africa…and someone spray painted the same thing on our garage." She said crying more. "Why does everyone hate me so much?"
"A'marie, you know that's not true," said Mrs. Matsumoto. "I've seen you with your friends. They seem to like you for who you are on the inside, and not what is on the outside."
"But mom, why did someone do that?" asked A'marie. "Why would someone tell me to go back to Africa?"
"It's because a long time ago in America, a lot of people there didn't like African Americans." Said Mrs. Matsumoto. "We didn't have the same rights as everyone else. We couldn't even go to school with the whites because we were colored."
"But that is so wrong!" said A'marie. "I couldn't imagine not going to school with everyone."
"Well, that is how it was when I was growing up." Said Mrs. Matsumoto. "I always got picked on a lot too. I was told the same things and I was called different names as well, until one man stood up to the people discriminating against us."
A'marie sat up. "You mean Dr. Martin Luther King?" she asked. "He was the one Daddy told me about."
Mrs. Matsumoto nodded. "Well, what you don't know is that when I was your age, your grandparents actually took me to see Dr. King preach."
A'marie gasped. "Really, Mom?" she asked. "You must've been excited!"
Mrs. Matsumoto nodded. "I was at the time," she said. "I was really happy to know that my parents actually knew Dr. King."
"Wow…" Said A'marie. "So you heard his I have a dream speech?"
Mrs. Matsumoto nodded. "Yes. I participated in the marches and went to every rally he had before he was killed. I learned that you can solve ways peacefully without fighting back." She said. "Remember, Sweetie. It doesn't matter what you are on the outside. It only matters what is in your heart."
A'marie nodded and hugged her mother. "Thanks mom," she said softly. "I know that everyone who is truly my friend likes me for who I am."
-------------------------------------------------------- at the arcade…………………………
"Whoever did that to Sakura's house is disgusting!" cried Lita in anger. "How could anyone treat someone else like that?"
"I don't know," said Amy. "But we should find out who did it and make them pay for their actions."
"I think that we should go looking for the culprits," said Mina. "I think my love me chain will take care of them."
" Wait! What about our plan?" Raye interjected.
" We'll get to it soon enough, but first, I'll turn those jerks to moon dust," said Serena. "It's not right for anyone to make A'marie feel bad about her heritage."
Just then, A'marie stepped into the arcade. She looked a lot better than she did earlier when she ran into her house crying
"A'marie!" said Amy. "Are you ok?
A'marie nodded. "Yes I am," she said. "I just needed to be alone for a while and my mother made me realize what's more important than being upset about people who don't like me."
"A'marie, you had us worried." Said Darien. "We promise to make the people who did that to your house pay."
"That's nice of all of you, but fighting isn't always the way to go to solve a problem," A'marie said. "Peaceful solutions are the best."
"Hey, colored girl!"
A'marie turned and saw the girls from earlier, they came back to taunt her some more. "What do you want?" she asked. "And my name is A'marie; not colored girl."
"We didn't know you could speak so well," said the red head. "We thought we made our point clear when we told you to go back to Africa."
"I don't have to do anything you say." Said A'marie. "Because let me tell you a little story. There was a great man named Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Who once said that he had a dream of all people getting along."
"Shut up," said The auburn haired one as she pushed A'marie to the ground. "We don't have to listen to you ramble on about some colored dude."
"Dr, King wasn't just some colored dude. He was a great civil rights leader." Said A'marie. "He fought until the very end to help everyone get along with each other no matter what color they were."
"You colored people should've stayed slaves." Said the green haired girl. "It was a waste to have you free."
A'marie glared at her with determination. "Free at last Free at last thank god al might I am free at last." She said.
The girls couldn't say anything else, they weren't expecting A'marie to stand up to them like that. They immediately left the arcade. A'marie smiled. The girls and Darien walked up to her.
" Oh, A'marie! We have a surprise for you!" Raye said cheerfully.
" Yeah. Come back with us to my house!" Lita said happily. A'marie shrugged and walked along with them.
---------------------------------------------------- Serena's house…………………………………..
When A'marie entered the house she gasped in awe. It looked like…her Kwanzaa party decorations, presents, and food. Her mother was there with Irene, Ken, and Sammy Tsukino. Even the cats were there to join in the celebration.
" It's…my Kwanzaa party!" A'marie exclaimed happily.
" Yeah. We felt bad about those jerks who picked on you" Mina started.
" So we asked my mom and your mom about setting up the party at my house. Now, here we are!" Serena said.
" Happy Kwanzaa!" Amy and Darien said. A'marie was almost to the point of tears.
" Thank you so much, you guys!" A'marie said happily.
" You're welcome!" Everyone said.
------------------------------------------------------------ the party……………………………………………………..
A'marie lit the first candle for the beginning of the Kwanzaa holiday. " The first candle that is lit for Kwanzaa is Umoja." Mrs. Matsumoto explained.
"It means unity. I am very lucky that all of the people I care about are here to celebrate this holiday with me." A'marie said cheerfully.
Everyone smiled as they began the festivities for the First Ever Kwanzaa in Tokyo.
A'marie smiled as she watched all of her friends enjoy the songs her family sung that was in Swahili. She was just lucky that she had wonderful family and friends that loved her for who she was. And she wouldn't change it for the world.
The End!
AS: When I first wrote this story, it was going to be for Black History month, but I changed my mind and made it for Kwanzaa since that Holiday is coming up. A'marie may have been a bit unbelievable but I know what it is like to be told to "Go back to Africa." Sorry for the lack of sailor scout screen time in this story. Until Next time….Love And Peace!