Garfield Effect: Galaxy Adventure Part 4
It was a warm sunny morning on
the Normany, full of bloomring rose flowers and violet
plants. Garfield was playing intense games of B-ball with Garrus in the B-ball
arena. A boom box was playing cool hip hop beats while they were playing.
Garfield and Garrus were both scoring slam dunks and making points. Garfield
had the ball was spinning it on his finger like hurricane. Garrus was trying to
block the ball with his legs. Garfield then threw the ball from across the
field scoring a basket with mighty swoosh and winning the game.
"Wow Garfield that is one
kind of shot." Said Garrus with awe.
"It was nothing, I am
working up sweat though, let us hit the showers." Said
Garfield with sweaty confidence.
In the locker room Garrus
snapped Garfield's behind with his towel for comedy.
"Haha Garrus you are such
comedian." Said Garfield with jolly laughter.
"Towels are fierce weapons
for proud warriors." Said Garrus jokingly.
"Garfield this is EDI we
have new reports of crew member for you, Jack the criminal." Said EDI with informative voice.
"Where is this
criminal?" Said Garfield with question.
"Jack is in the Blue Suns
flying prison Purgatory." Said EDI.
"I do not like Blue Suns
they are unmanly bad doers." Said Garfield with
"It is ok they promised
not to do bad." Said EDI with
"Very well set course for
Purgatory at Maximum Speed, do not stop for man woman or child." Said Garfield, finger pointing in the air.
The Normany sped for Purgatory
with galactic urgency, not stopping for supernovas or black holes. At arriving
at Purgatory Garfield landed on roof and entered flying prison.
"Greeting Garfield I am
Blue Suns Leader of Purgatory I am here to guide you to Jack." Said the Blue Suns Leader of Purgatory.
"Better not try to be
funny or I will silence humor forever." Said Garfield
with serious tone.
"I promise to be good and
right citizen." Said Blue Suns Leader of Purgatory.
The Blue Suns Leader of
Purgatory led Garfield to a Cell which had Jack in it.
"Hello Garfield, I am Jack
the criminal, I am bad person." Said Jack.
"You are girl yet not
girly." Said Garfield with wonder.
"I am tough scrappy female
with troubled past." Said Jack.
"Come let us go back to
Normany." Said Garfield in understanding tone.
"No so fast Garfield you
are my prison now." Said Evil blue Suns Leader of
Purgatory as he surrounded Garfield and Jack with many Blue Suns Soldiers.
"WHAT?!?!" Said Garfield with uproarious roar.
"I am taking you in prison
for money I will be rich." Said Blue Suns Leaders with
lusty greed.
"You Blue Suns are Yellow
like dogs, first you take my Lasagna now you take my freedom, no more I will be
sending you to a early Hell morning!!" Shouted Garfield with Manly vocal chords.
"It is too late Garfield
you are surrounded, you are mine forever!" Said Blue Suns Leader of Purgatory.
"Humph, fool you are the
one in prison of greed." Said Garfield with philosophy.
Garfield then put his fingers in the mouth and blew his whistle with fury. Garfields custom Harley Davidson motorcycle with Lasagna
headlights then crashed through the ceiling jamming cool triumphant music as it
came. Garfield then hopped on the motorcycle and put on his sunglasses because
the sun always shines on Garfield even in spaceships.
for joyriding." Said Garfield chilly as
he took out a lasagna flavored cigarette and put it in his mouth.
Garfield put his motorcycle on hyperspeed and blazed through the Blue Suns
you Garfield!" Said the Blue Suns
Leader of Purgatory as he shook his fist in the air.
"I have appetites for
violence and it is almost dinner time." Said Garfield as he puffed on his
lasagna flavored cigarette.
"Chew on this
Garfield!" Said Blue Suns leader as he chucked grenade
at Garfield with desperation.
"You should try some of
your own cookings before serving." Said Garfield Cooley as he shot the
grenade with his Desert Eagle back at the Blue suns Leader of Purgatory who
caught it in his mouth.
"ARGHARFIELD." Screamed the Blue Suns Leader of Purgatory as he exploded.
"Looks like it blew up in
your stomach." Said Garfield slyly as he walked away.
"Garfield we must leave
now." Said Jack the criminal.
"No problem babe, hop on
my Harley." Said Garfield. Jack hopped on the
back of his motorcycle gripping Garfields waste. Garfield and Jack rode out of
Purgatory with speed of unicorns.
"Here is present to
remember me by." Said Garfield as he look back
the ship and tossed his lasagna flavored cigarette at the Purgatory causing it
to explode.
Garfield and Jack landed back
in the Normany where Garrus and crew were waiting.
"Good work Garfield you
saved the day again." Said Garrus with thumbs up.
"It was easy like lasagna
cake." Said Garfield with relaxed sigh.
"Garfield you saved my
life but I still don't like you because I am bad." Said Jack the criminal.
"Hoho, Garfield looks like
she will not fall for your charms." Said Garrus
"Want to bet? I can make
lady out of her yet." Said Garfield with knowingness.
"Ok, Garfield I bet you
500 dollars of lasagna you cannot make her into proper lady." Said Garrus with smirk.
"You are on bone
head!" Said Garfield with handshake. Garfield
then walked over to Jack with purpose.
"Jack I am taking you to
shopping, and making you into lady." Said Garfield
"Ok, but I am still not
likeing you." Said Jack. Garfield and Jack then
went to Citadel to go shopping for clothes and makeup and perfume.
"Try on this dress,
Jack." Said Garfield as he gave her a short purple
sparkly dress.
"Ok Garfield, but I still
don't like you" Said Jack as she tried on the dress.
Jack tried on the purple dress
as well as matching purse, and perfume with smell of flowers and lasagna.
"Garfield I feel like true
woman, thank you." Said Jack with gratitude.
"No problem lets go back
to Normany for celebration." Said Garfield.
On returning to the Normany,
Garrus saw Jack as true lady and realized he lost the bet.
"Wow she is true lady, I
have lost bet, here is your 500 dollars in lasagna,
Garfield." Said Garrus with defeat.
"Thank you Garrus I will
spend it on pantaloons." Said Garfield with victory.
As Garfield took his prize money he went to the captains
cabin where he saw Jack was waiting for him.
"Garfield you are like man
like no other, I did not think love was possible until now." Said Jack
with love in her eyes.
"You are special lady now
that you have nice dress and are pretty to look at." Said
Garfield with understanding voice.
"Yes Garfield thank you for making me worthwhile, let me thank you with
special gift." Said Jack with flirtations.
"Sure think sexy babe, let
me show you my Jack." Said Garfield with a wink and nod.
"Let me warn you, I am
rough and tough rebel." Said Jack with sass.
"I will rebel in your
pants." Said Garfield with romance. Garfield and
Jack then embrace and made sweet lovings all day and all night until they broke
To be continued…