During a time when earth was finally safe thanks to the Z gang and sailor scouts. They didn’t get along very well except for Goku and sailor moon who for some reason are the exactly the same as if they where twins (hehehe). Sailor mars and vegeta where always fighting over the littlest of things. Sailor mercury and Gohan where always fighting over spelling and maths exams. Sailor Venus and trunks hardly ever talked to each other. Sailor Jupitor was always trying to talk to piccolo. Tuxido mask and chi- chi where both jealous of how much Goku and Sailor moon got along all the time… And krillan asked every scout on a date even Tuxido mask nocked him out for a week for asking Usagi out
And so the weird ness begins
-----------------------------Serena& ami-------------------------------------------------
Usagi and ami where sitting at library. “Ammmmmmiiii this is so boring and all this reading is hurting my brain!” Usagi wined. “But Usagi you did say so you’re self “Ami! You have to tutor me! Then we can ALL go to the best university in Tokyo” Remember” Ami said “Why do you have to be so smart” Usagi frowned and dropped her head onto the book she was reading. “Usagi! Don’t make this even harder” “Yeah meatball head!” Rei said then burst out laughing “What is it!! Where is it!! Who is it!!” Usagi said with a new bolt of energy
-------------------------------Son Home--------------------------------------------------
Goku was walking back home with a huge piece of fish. “Goku-Son?!” chi chi yelled out “Where are you?!” She yelled again “Over Here!” He yelled with a goofy smile and scratching his head. “Ok good wait here” chi chi said. A thew minutes later she comes out with the dragon ball and calls forth the eternal Dragon. The sky turned dark as the sun disappeared, Lightning was shooting threw the clouds, rain was starting to fall and a golden light Flew out of the Dragon balls and went into the shape of a dragon. The dragon soon in its normal colour he said “Why have you disturbed my rest human” “I have come to ask the dragon one wish” chi chi finally said “Out with it human” shelong said impatiently. “Well umm… iwishmeandgokuwhereteenagersagain” (I wish me and goku where teenagers again). Chi Chi yelped “As you wish” shelong answerd Shelong. Then his eyes glowed to a bright red then dimmed again. Just as that was happening goku and chi chi hover a few inches of the ground as a light, a golden bubble to be exsect. Was bursting around there eyes. Chi chi and goku grew a little shorter and chi chi wrinkles went away as her hair went darker and gokus tail grew back but this time it was brown with a silver stripe going down it…
Steelangelfromhell: I know its short but what do u expect
Vegeta: Onna! Where are my lines!
Steelangelfromhell: Didn’t give any so Nymph (Poke tongue at vegeta)
Final Flash! (Accidentally throws at usagi)
Usagi: Veggie Head!!!
(Turns into sailor cosmos)
Steelangelfromhell: Umm cya nex... Owe! Time!