I know what you’re saying. You’re saying, "That’s EXACTLY what this world (wide web) needs... ANOTHER FREAKIN’ ANIME site!
You know... I agree. So I’m going to strive to make this the best site filled with anime goodies as I can. So feel free to wander the universes, subuniverses, and dimensions presented to you for your viewing and downloading pleasure.
ALSO, it’ll be!!!!
First Entry
We are witnessing the birth of our first "TinY UniversE" in our PockeT DimensioN. This here is AnimE TinY UniversE. Say hello!
Second Entry
The Tenchi Sub-universE has been launched! Within our first Sub-universE is PlaneT RyokO! Here, you'll find the first of our collection of anime pics. I've found, though, that on certain browsers, the page will not load the pics correctly, so I added a link at the bottom of the page for an alternate menu page. ENJOY!
Third Entry
A little glimpse into the future of our little TinY UniversE
has been added! YES, finally we get to see what else the AnimE TinY UniversE will hold! But
wait...that's not all! There's even MORE than that! YES, MORE! Remember, this is just a GLIMPSE
into the AnimE TinY UniversE future! So, hold onto your hats, Otaku's, there's MORE TO COME!
EnjoY! ^-^
Fourth Entry
The Tenchi Sub-universE is fully underway! Some of the collections don't have many pics within them...but, that'll change in time! I've decided to remove my original pages that I had for viewing the pics. It didn't seem to work that well...yet. When I get it fully figured out, I'll add it in! Enjoy!
Fifth Entry
The MartiaN SuccessoR NadesicO Sub-universE has been launched! There's not as much organization as the Tenchi Sub-Universe, but...that'll change in time! ENJOY!
Sixth Entry
Our small collection of Sub-Universes is growing, folks! The latest Sub-UniversE that I have jarred, preserved and ready to serve for you is the Ghost in the Shell Sub-UniversE! It's up and coming. Expect LOTS more pics in the future! ENJOY!
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