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~Redline @ Cornerstone!~

Here are a few things that got sent to me via email and such from people who were lucky enough to see redline at cornerstone this year. *the pictures were taken by Julie Morris* Enjoy!

C-stoneExperience by tim(

I'm a dude from Houston & we didn't know of Redline down here til recently they played a show w/ Spoken (the one w/ the horrible sound). We were really impressed but unfortunately we didn't have the money w/ us to get a CD but found out that luckily they'd be a C-stone. So we're at C-stone on T&N day(Tuesday) & I spot David. So I go & ask him if I could buy a CD so I listen to it before they played(Wednesday). They didn't have a booth set up yet so he was real nice & had me walk & talk w/ him to their van cuz he was going to go listen to the new .rod laver album. On the way MG the Visionary stopped David to hug him & say hello. Wednesday the guys gave a great & amazingly energetic show. They played an awesome new song called “Valentine’s Day” & Sean did this sweet bass flip. A ton of people who had never heard them before asked me who they were and said how impressed they were. After the show I bought a medium blue shirt (the size I wear) of theirs but it was too small. So I asked to trade it for a large (still too small) & Sean asked me why I kept getting the girl shirt. I felt really stupid and traded for a guy shirt (fit perfect). That night I was backstage after the Stavesacre show talking to the guitarist Neil and while I’m walking back there someone taps me. I turn around expecting it to be one of my friends I was there with but it is David just saying hi. It was really cool cuz I know a lot of the bands who talk to me when I see & stop them but David is the first to stop me. It was cool him saying hi to me (a fan) especially since the guys from Project 86, .rod laver, Luti-kriss, Stavesacre, and Ghoti Hook were hanging around that area. Later in the week I showed Supernova to a girl in the tent next to ours. She was all upset when she couldn’t find their booth to get the album. Luckily while I was watching Travail I looked behind me & there stands Adam & Sean so I went & got her & they were nice enough to get her an album. I used that album so much during my 20 hour drive back to Texas. Tim *******************************************************

Natalie: Hi my name is Natalie, I went to cornerstone for the first time this year. Here how my story begins, i was in the johny on the spot when i saw a flyer stating that i had to go see redline because they have alot of cool influences that i like, incubus and so on. So i made a point to go see them. I was so glad i did their are right know one of my favorite christien bands. i am sooooooooo in love with Jaren when i saw him play the drums i couldn't take my eye's off of him, he is awesome. I am so enveous of u because u hang out with them. I am a Canadian by the way so i won't be able to see them play again any time soon,i bought everything they had the shirt, cd and sticker which i put on my car.



Julie Morris: i was waiting in line to "meet" embodyment after their show on tooth and nail day. as i was standing there, i noticed some other merchandise on a table from some band called redline. i had never heard of them or seen anything by them. so, my assumption was they either suck or they're new. as i was looking, this guy with dreads stuck headphones into my hands so i could give their cd a listen. even with the volume up as far as it would go, i could barely hear. as i was listening, or trying to, i thought, even if i hate it, i'm not going to tell this guy that because i think he may be in the band...but i wouldn't have to worry about that because i really liked what i heard. so i bought the supernova cd and found out information about the show...and, of course, i had to touch david's hair and ask him how he did it. (i'm a hair freak. last year at cornerstone, if a guy had long hair or unusual hair, i was gonna ask to touch it.)... when i got back to my tent, i told all my friends to go to the redline show. but i think most of them opted to go somewhere else. :( i went to the show on wednesday not really sure what to expect. some bands sound awesome on cds and then majorly suck, i kind of hung around near the middle of the tent waiting for the music to start. and when it did, i realized what an awesome band redline really is. not only is the music itself good, but david's voice just blew me away. (and that's not something i say lightly, me being a vocal performance major.)...i quickly made my way up to the front with the one friend who did come with me and took some pictures. then i just stood there and let the music wash over me... another thing that struck me as the guys were performing is HOW they perform. they're so wrapped up in what they're doing. it makes you want to be a part of it. especially when david would throw his head back and his hair would just go everywhere. i was thinking, yeah, that's what it's all about. surrender. loving it for what it's worth... i can honestly say i truly worshipped at the redline show... and i further realized that being on a stage is what i want more than anything else. thank you guys for giving of your time and talent to others around you. thank you for being real in a world where so many people aren't. thank you for loving what you do and who you do it for. God bless. ~azzystar~ (julie)