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~Adam's Interview~

~about you~

1. what is your full name? Adam Paul Redding

2. what is your birthdate? 6-5-81

3. how did you end up in redline? Ever since there was a redline to be ending up in, I've been in it.

4. what are your 3 favorite albums of all time? Failure - Fantastic Planet, Radiohead - O.K. Computer, Jeff Buckley - Grace.

5. what do you like to do "for fun"? Snowboarding, Guitar, Attempting to Skateboard, Being the Mad Cracka

6. do you have a girl/boyfriend? I've got no one to love. I am a lonely, lonely, man.

7. have you ever set any body part on fire for amusement? Nope. Just my head.

8. how long have you been playing Guitar? About 10 years.

9. tell your funniest "on the road with redline" story here: This one time, we were on the road. And we start playing our first song of the night, and suddenly Jaren burst into flames. It was hilarious.

10. which band would you most like to see live before you die? Radiohead.

11. what is your favorite brand and flavor of chips? Kroger Brand Barbeque Potato Chips

12. do you like to drive? Only when I'm half asleep.

~about your bandmates~

1. in your opinion, who is the funny-man of the group? I'm the one who gets exploited the most, so probably me.

2. in your opinion, who is the 'bossiest' of the group? I don't know if we have a "bossy guy" in the band.

3. in your opinion, who is the laziest of the group? Me.

4. in your opinion, who is the 'chick magnet' of the group? Sean.

5. who sleeps the most? Jaren.

6. who reads the most? David.

7. who eats the most? Jaren.

8. who wastes the most time on 'Tony Hawk'? Probably me.

who argues the most? David.

10. who is the cleanest? David.

11.who is the not-so-cleanest? I plead the 5th.

12. who do you get along with the best? Myself.