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~David's Interview~

~about you~

1. what is your full name? David Mast

2. what is your birthdate? 6-6-76

3. how did you end up in redline? uh... Adam and I started it...

4. what are your 3 favorite albums of all time? Failure-Fantastic Planet, Faith No More-King for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime, & Alice in Chains- Dirt

5. what do you like to do "for fun"? I'm not a fun person... I do not have "fun"... Usually I just sit around and stare at the wall until we leave on tour again... Oh, and I like snowboarding and sleeping too...

6. do you have a girl/boyfriend? uh... definitely no boyfriend... Girlfriends are nonexistent as well...

7. have you ever set any body part on fire for amusement? yes, actually, the palm of my hand, but Sean's much better at it...

8. how long have you been playing ? I've been pretending to be a singer for about 6 or 7 years now I think! Wow, that's a long time... I can play the sax, clarinet, a little bass and guitar, and a little drums, but all of them very badly and embarassingly awful...

9. tell your funniest "on the road with redline" story here: Well, that would probably have to be when a drummer from another band who will remain unnamed came bursting into our hotel room one night after a show in pink speedos and began doing curls with some weights... We had never really even met him before, so it was pretty crazy, plus the fact that I was half asleep adds to the humor for me...

10. which band would you most like to see live before you die? I've almost seen every band possible over the past few years and I'll be checking off Tool from my list on the 15th of this next month in Atlanta, so I guess Radiohead would probably be the next one on my list, cuz honestly I think I've seen just about every other band that I'd like to!

11. what is your favorite brand and flavor of chips? the Baja Picante Doritos

12. do you like to drive? no, I hate it

~about your bandmates~

1. in your opinion, who is the funny-man of the group? Adam

2. in your opinion, who is the 'bossiest' of the group? uh... nobody's really bossy, so its pretty cool... If I were forced to say a name, I guess I'd go with Sean, but its not "bossy", he just reminds me a lot of things I need to get done...

3. in your opinion, who is the laziest of the group? Jaren sleeps the longest...

4. in your opinion, who is the 'chick magnet' of the group? definitely Sean

5. who sleeps the most? Jaren

6. who reads the most? probably either me or Adam

7. who eats the most? Adam or Jaren

8. who wastes the most time on 'Tony Hawk'? I think Jaren and Sean are the only ones who still play it, but Jaren did more while we were sitting around in California...

9. who argues the most? either me or Jaren probably, I probably voice my opinion the most...

10. who is the cleanest? me

11.who is the not-so-cleanest? probably Adam, but with Sean and Jaren right behind him... ;)

12. who do you get along with the best? Well, Adam's my brother and for some reason, we've gotten along incredibly well for years, so we almost never dissagree or fight... Its kinda weird...

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