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~My Interview~

~This is where I answered the interview I gave redline to fill in a way I'm interviewing lame is that?~

~about you~

1. what is your full name? Joy Ella Blackwell

2. what is your birthdate? november 20

3. how did you end up in redline? I'm not in redline....yet....dun dun DUN!

4. what are your 3 favorite albums of all time? redline-where the future ends, radiohead-ok computer, bjork - homogenic

5. what do you like to do "for fun"? chill, go to shows, tell people about redline, have days off from work

6. do you have a girl/boyfriend? yeah *grins*

7. have you ever set any body part on fire for amusement? no but i've watched people do that.

8. how long have you been playing (insert your instrument here)? i used to play guitar but i work too much now.

9. tell your funniest "on the road with redline" story here: hmm, I've just been chillin with them in tx but the funniest thing was when I guessed Sean's middle name and then half of his mom's name(I guess "ann" but it's "joann") that was scary

10. which band would you most like to see live before you die? Bjork/sigur ros/radiohead all tie for that spot.

11. what is your favorite brand and flavor of chips? those lime tortilla chips

12. do you like to drive? yes but i'm sure that will pass.

~about your bandmates~

1. in your opinion, who is the funny-man of the group? Adam

2. in your opinion, who is the 'bossiest' of the group? I'd say David but I don't really one seems bossy

3. in your opinion, who is the laziest of the group? :::coughJarencough:::

4. in your opinion, who is the 'chick magnet' of the group? Sean

5. who sleeps the most? Jaren

6. who reads the most? David/Adam

7. who eats the most? all of them...

8. who wastes the most time on 'Tony Hawk'? they don't play that game but when they did it was Jaren

9. who argues the most? david

10. who is the cleanest? david

11.who is the not-so-cleanest? jaren

12. who do you get along with the best? prolly Adam since he's my boyfriend and all.
