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~Sean's Interview~

~about you~

1. what is your full name? Sean Michael Clark

2. what is your birthdate? November 21

3. how did you end up in redline? I've known Adam for awhile. My friend Josh and I started a band where Adam played drums. That was when I started playing music with Adam. Last year Redline went a time without having a bass player, so one night, out of the blue, we decided, kind of jokingly, that I would play bass for Redline and here I am.

4. what are your 3 favorite albums of all time?

Radiohead- Kid A

Failure- Fantastic Planet

Jeff Buckley- Grace

5. what do you like to do "for fun"? sleep, skateboard, travel, anything with my friends, and of course play and listen to music.

6. do you have a girl/boyfriend? No.

7. have you ever set any body part on fire for amusement? Yes. (Don't worry... it wasn't any of MY body parts.)

8. how long have you been playing (-insert your instrument here-)? bass, about 9 months, but i've played guitar for about five years.

9. tell your funniest "on the road with redline" story here: One time I was driving on the road with my band Redline. It was so funny.

10. which band would you most like to see live before you die? Radiohead, hands down. Hopefully I do not die before they tour "Amnesiac."

11. what is your favorite brand and flavor of chips? I don't sell out for ad's or anything, but nothing beats Kroger brand BBQ chips.

12. do you like to drive? Sometimes, but not usually.

~about your bandmates~

1. in your opinion, who is the funny-man of the group?Adam

2. in your opinion, who is the 'bossiest' of the group?probably me or Jaren.

3. in your opinion, who is the laziest of the group? It's a toss up. We can all get pretty lazy.

4. in your opinion, who is the 'chick magnet' of the group? The other three guys.

5. who sleeps the most? Jaren

6. who reads the most? David or maybe Adam

7. who eats the most? I'm not sure.

8. who wastes the most time on 'Tony Hawk'? We quit playing that game.

9. who argues the most? David

10. who is the cleanest? David, he takes between one and three showers a day...pretty crazy, huh?

11.who is the not-so-cleanest? I don't know. Someone besides David.

12. who do you get along with the best? Myself. I always agree with myself. Pretty weird how that works out.