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~How I became the fan I am today~

here is my story. this is taken from a recent email i wrote....

okay, well, i will make a very long story short for ya. I heard them on the freedom fighters comp at a time when i was trying to only listen to christian music for like a month or something and it was the only christian band i could find at the time(this was 2 years ago) that i liked. so i bought their cd and loved it. i listened to it nonstop and wished that i could meet the guys but dismissed the idea cuz they lived in tenn.

about a year later.....they came to town. i was stoked. i went to the show and talked to em. told david how much his songs meant to me..all that jazz. they said they'd come back to tx soon cuz I was definitely their #1 fan. so a month later they did. and David ended up giving me his email address and we emailed for about a year before they came to tx again...this time with new members...and they stayed at my house and recorded a demo in my father's studio. and now i'm good friends with all of them. it's really a neat-o story but i don't tell it like that anymore. you're special i guess. hehe. :-D