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Things you didn't want to know...


~Okay. I filled out one of those emailed survey things cuz I felt like it so read on if you are bored enough.~

1. What time is it? time to get ill

2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Joy Ella Blackwell

3. Siblings Names: pet #1 and pet #2 heh heh heh...

4. Parents names: Richard and Vicki

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last BD cake: i think they actually put all of them on there last year...16

6. Date that you regularly blow them out: My birthday..durrr...

7. Pets: see "siblings" heh heh heh

8. Height: somewhere between 2 inches and 9 feet...(5'6")

9. Piercing: actually I don't have anything pierced. I think piercings are awesome but I just don't feel like getting anything pierced.

10. Tattoos: not yet...

11. HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE YOUR JOB: when I get one I'll tell you...

12. Birthplace: a clinic

13. Hometown: heaven

14. Current Residence: your mom's house...i mean my mom's house. sorry about that..

16. Been toilet-papering: sadly, no

17. Been toilet-papered: heh heh heh no

18. Loved somebody so much it made you cry: I don't really cry all that much but I have cried over someone I loved before.

19. Been in a car crash: nope

20. Croutons or Bacon Bits: bacon bits. croutons are too hard to pick up with your forkus.

21. 2-door or 4-door on cars: 4 doors. 2 doors are too small.

22. Coffee or coffee ice-cream: coffee ice cream...with chocolate sprinkles....*homer drool sound*

23. Blanket or stuffed animal: blanket. oh how i wish it were winter...

24. Dumper or Dumpee? how bout neither? cool..okay.

25. Salad Dressing? italian

26. Color of socks now? multi. they are my favorite socks and it shows. they are holey and they go to my knees and they are brown and why am I still describing my socks?

27. Favorite number: 23

28. Place to be kissed: haha. yeah okay. movin' on.

29. Movie: "there's so much beauty in the world, sometimes I feel like I just can't take it" " 'how's that working out for you?' 'what?' 'being clever' " "I'm off like a dirty shirt." "Wu Dan is a whorehouse!"

30. Quote(s) from a movie: well recently I've been using "this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time" a lot.

31. Favorite Holiday: my birthday

32. Favorite food: these mussells I had at this Italian restuarant once.

33. Day of the week? Whichever one I dont have to do yardwork on.

34. Favorite song at the moment: Radiohead "Kid A" and Gorillaz "Clint Eastwood"

35. T.V show at the moment: I hate TV but the only show I watch anymore is prolly x'files

37. Fave Restaurant: That Italian restuarant I had mussels at.

38. Flower: yeah, it's cliché but dark red roses

39. Fave fast food place: taco smell

40. Least Favorite thing to do: yardwork!

41. When was your last hospital visit? I've never been to the hospital for myself but I've been for my gramps a few times.

42. What color is your Bedroom carpet? multi(i spill things on it often. mostly paint.)

43. Did you fail your drivers license test: nope. they didn't make me take one. they just handed me my license basically. ha.

44. What do you think of Ouija Boards: satan

45. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I don't.

47. Single store to Max your credit card: credit cards are from the devil

48. What do you do most often when you’re bored? play kosynka and listen to radiohead...then i'm not bored

49. What words or phrases do you overuse: "your mom" and "redline is coming!" and lately "you're not allowed"

50.Friends that live the farthest away: James. :(

51. Best thing ever: chizillin' with the redline boyz.

52. Bedtime: never...well usually around 3-4am

55. What time is it now? time to get ill again

56. Do you have a homepage? where are you? durrr...

57. What do you find to be physically attractive in a boy/girlfriend? personal relationship with Jesus and a british accent..oh yeah.

59. Fave Cartoon show? the adventures of batman and robin

60.What are you going to be for Halloween: i'm not into all that jazz

62.When was the last time you did something you really loved? vacation bibles school. oh my, i love those kids. that was july something thru something. it was so great. i loved it so much.

63.Being totally honest, if you could change anything about you, what would it be? I'd be closer to Him

64. You are granted one wish, What would it be? my band would tour with redline. oh my how cool that would be.

66. Who's your favorite comedian? steve martin

67. Where is your favorite vacation spot? my room

68. Do you believe in intelligent life beyond Earth(i.e. aliens)? not aliens...

69. Is having family important? yes

70. Do you believe that money doesn't buy happiness? yes

71. When was the last time you danced on a table: i don't remember...honestly

72. Who's the craziest of your friends? redline :)

73. That moment in your life that has had the biggest impact on you: meeting redline. oh yeah.

74. Are you surrounded by good friends that you would not trade you for anything: yeah

75. Smile and who smiles with you: and we all danced under a rainbow and played in the waterfall until our heads fell off...

76. What's your favorite color? i like -all- the colors...

77. Now what time is it? not time to get ill

78. Who do you like right now as a boyfriend/girlfriend? no one really

79. In a few years are you going to have kids, and if yes how many? prolly and i don't know

80. What do you drive? a blue blazer...but not for long. heh heh heh...

81. Absolute best lyrics to a song? "we've got heads on sticks" heh heh. not really.

82. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? go back to sleep

83. What is your favorite way to volunteer in your community? volunteer? what? I'm not nice enough for that yo. haha.

84. Isn't this survey long enough already? is it? IS IT????

85. What is 1 treasure that you have and one you have given away? love and love we're all full of love. sing with me now, come on.

86. What do you think about mullets (the haircut...short in front long in back)? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

87. What do you hate most? yardwork

88. In 12 words or less what part does music play in your life? humongo

89. Best book ever? C.S.Lewis anything

90. If you could marry anyone, who would it be and why? ......

91. Do you Believe in magic? no..well it depends on what you mean by "magic"

92. Who do you believe is the most musically talented artist/group? REDLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and radiohead!

93. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be, and why? chizillin with redline cuz they're the coolest.

94. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? get the house fixed up, get a car, save some money for when the car needs to be fixed, give a lot away to friends who need it anonymously...wait i just gave it away....dooo'h

95. Will you be at your high school reunions? no

96. If you had to do it all over again, what would you repeat in your life? redline redline redline. :-D

97. if u could meet anyone u wanted who would it be? well, i've already met redline. maybe thom yorke.