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D Riverside

D Riverside

The D branch of the Green Line is marquee part of the Green Line. Following a fromer RR right of way, it stretches well out of Boston into Newton. On a January 2001 visit, three car trains were present on this line during peak periods due to the crowding on this line. is servere in peak periods, so the T had decided to use some three car trains on this route. This threesome is outbound at Beaconsfield.

On a May 2005 visit no three car trains were seen on the Riverside (or any other branch). While Type 7 cars are the norm on this line, a few Boeing cars are used during rush hours and for special events. 3495 and mate are inbound at Newton Center - extra service on a Saturday afternoon for a Red Sox game.

The front of a three car Type 7 train is inbound at Newton Center. There is a marvelous railroad station on the outbound platform that is now a Starbucks. There are many gems on the Riverside Line that I was not able to capture due to a lack of co-operation from the weatherman. I hope to return to this line on a sunny summer day and take a few rolls.