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Bruxelles Rob's Transit Trips

Brussells Trams

All photos on this page - July 2004

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The coloured signs on the cars were an attractive touch. 7763 turns off rue de Palais toward the ROW to the Pre Metro.

7805 passes through Leidts, a very busy tram junction.

The "Pre-Metro" was a well used and well served by the trams. 7 lines immerge from the portal and spread out past Gare du Nord. Here 7734 picks up on route 3 duty.

2033 makes the turn from Louise to Royale in front of the Palais de Justice. So many beautiful buildings in Brussells and so much traffic. It was not easy to get clear shots of the trams.

7719 wrapped for Valencia, Spain turns from the ROW under the mainline RR bridge to rue Palais.

2039 heads northbound on Rue Royale towards Parc Metro station.

From the "family achives" 7714 lays over at Tervuren

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