Ok folks, this is Brian. He's purty cool. He has to be the 2nd best dressed in the band, next to Mikey...in my humble opinion, which counts for nothing, I know. And he's one skinny sexy bitch, if I do say so myself... But again, my opinion counts for nothing. So, if you disagree, you're probably right. Mia culpa. But if you're a straight dude, I can completely understand that too. So, let's all move on with our lives, eh? Ok then.
*he's sexy
*he's got some cool pink shirts, which are good for guys to have (seriously...that takes some guts...or balls...)
*kick ass stage presence, or so I've heard. *sobs for unfortunate self*
*He's reeeeally skinny, and can therefore fit into tight spaces, like glove compartments, or slip through jail bars, should the occasion arise.
(Note: What is it with me and the "...'s"?