Ok, so this is Mikey, or, the Mikester, if you prefer. Am I scaring you? Oops, sorry, gotta watch that. Anyways, I must say that he is by far the best dressed of the group. I love those crazy ties he always wears...AH, I loooove dudes in ties... AHEM, where was I? Oh yes, I remember now. Well, Mike-a-roni replaced Matt Sharp on bass about a year ago or so, I'd say. (But you all should know that if you are any type of REAL fan *makes condescending snobby face in YOUR direction* (MWAHAHAHA) And the man does kick some ass, if I do say so myself. So, may he stay in there a long time, and not desert us like some OTHER people did. And no, I am not bitter. Not at all.
*Is always EXCEPTIONALLY dressed.
*Hates Creed as much as I do.
*His name provides much room for improvisation (you know, all the dumb nicknames I've been disturbing you with!)
*He had the guts to actually join the band at all. I would have wet my pants if I had to audition and put my ass on the line like that. And the pressure to meet the standard. Damn...I'd have a fuckin stroke. BUT, that's just me. Some people are sane and have a realistic view of the world. How lucky you all are. ANYWAY...
*He wears PINK. (See above photo.) I LOVE that!