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I love this bag so much! It's ma fav thing I ever made.

It's not actually hard to do, but my instructions make it seem a whole lot harder, It might be better if you work it out yr self rather than read my instructions coz it'll proably confuse you even more.

Dont worry if lining is bubbly and clumpy, mines like that got no idear how to fix it, no one will notice once it's put togeather any how.

Size 4 needles (english)

All knitting done in stocking stitch (1 row plain, 1 row pearl)

Front picture peice.
I knitted this motif (i still dunno what these are actually called) with a margine of 5 rows at top and bottom, and 5 rows on each side.
Cut peice of lining to place on back of picture peice, Make it HEAPS biger, about 5 cm extra around all edges. (this is because when sewing knitted bits they streach real bad, so you dont want to run out of lining to go on the knitted bit.
Sew lining and knitted peice with right sides togeather, place the lining and knitted peice on top of each other so you have a corner same length. Here is a diagram, in an effort to explain myself better.

Top front peice (greedy)
I knitted this motif, again with a margine of 5 rows on top and bottom and 5 stitchs on each side.
Sew the lining on, same way I said for picture peice.

               ***Insert zip between these two peices now***
This makes it easier when measuring up for gusset and back peice. I used a red zip, looks cool, but any color will do.

Back peice
Cast on the same amount of stitches as you did when you knitted the front peice.
Knit untill the length is the same as the length of the two front peices with the zip.
Sew on lining same way as the other peices.

Cast on roughly 26 stitches (how ever wide you want the gusset.)
Measure round the edge of front peice.
Knit untill gusset is the same length as you measured plus 10 stitchs (for seam).
Sew on lining same way as other peices.

Cut two strips of material 10cm x 90cm
Fold both strips in half lengthwise, with right sides togeather.
Sew along long side
Turn inside out.
Top stitch along both sides.

Sew gusset around front peice with right sides togeather.
Pin gusset to back peice, make sure to have sraps in between and sew.

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I'm proud to say I made this pattern myself, I'm happy for anyone to use it non-commercaily, but if yr planing on taking my pattern and posting it on yr site thats a big NO NO! If you email me and ask tho I'll most proberly say yes :)
If you want to buy a bag talor made by me to suit you, I'll be happy to do so altho it'll cost bout $30 NZ (thats bout $15 US) plus postage. email me if yr interested.