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          |Me with hat on|           |Other hat|
This is the most complicated thing I've made so far, it's big, it's lose, it's strippy, and I like it!

It seams I must have a very lose style of knitting, my mum made a hat a bit like this using 128 stitches and her's turned out rather tight. I will put a gauge up here when I can be bothered working it out, but if yr like me you prob won't bother and just use the old fashioned trial and error method.
If yr planning on making it bigger or smaller make the rows amout of stitches as a multiple of 8.
Stripes are random, as a rule only ever did my black stripes one row thick, rest of the colors are 1, 2, 3, and 4 row thick.

Using size 4 needles( English sizing)

Cast on 104 stitches.
Rib (knit 2, pearl 2) for four rows.
Knit in stocking stitch (1 row plain, 1 row pearl) for 24 rows. Ending with a knit row.
Knit 11 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along the row. You should end by knitting 2 togeather.
Pearl row.
Knit 10 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along the row.
Pearl row.
Knit 9 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along row.
Pearl row.
Knit 8 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along row.
Pearl row.
Knit 7 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along row.
Pearl row.
Knit 6 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along row.
Pearl row.
Knit 5 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along row.
Pearl row.
Knit 4 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along row.
Pearl row.
Knit 3 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along row.
Pearl row.
Knit 2 stitches, knit 2 togeather, all the way along row.
Pearl row.
Cut of yarn with about 50cm to spare, thread yarn through stitches on needle, taking them off the needle as you go.
Pull yarn tightly so as to bring the top side of the hat into a circle.
Join the 2 sides of the hat, by threading remaining yarn through both sides, forming a seam.
Tie yarn in secure knot when finished seam and cut of remaining yarn length.

|Print instructions|

I'm proud to say I made this pattern myself, I'm happy for anyone to use it non-commercaily, but if yr planing on taking my pattern and posting it on yr site thats a big NO NO! If you email me and ask tho I'll most proberly say yes :)
If you want to buy a hat talor made by me to suit you, I'll be happy to do so altho it'll cost bout $20 NZ (thats bout $10 US) plus postage. email me if yr interested.