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Disclaimer:It is advised that if yr name is britany spears then you should NOT proceed any further. All content is made by me (unless otherwise stated) and is therfore MINE! If you want any content from this site please ask. This site looks fucked on netscape and looks best when veiwed with your screen set to 800 x 600. I am well aware of my spelling incapabilitys and if there is something on my site you take offence to, then close this window and don't come back.
© rottonpear 2001 - 2002
5th August 2003

Got back from my holiday up in wellington to find we have a scanner, digi cam and burner. Yay, its about time. So expect a few more things popping up here and there.
First addition is some photos taken recently and some from a couple of years ago, They might not be the best bands but its all Blenheim gets (excluding Batrider) so i can't be picky.
My boyfriend asked me why I didn't ever talk about him on here, i didnt have a reason so here we are, Ill even go one better and post up this photo. Ha. Wasnt expecting that was he.

21th May 2003

New animation: don't ask me what it is, I dont even remember making it.
Waiting nervously to see if Mums managed to get the new house at auction, things look doubtful and were going to be out on the streets if she dosen't get it. With all this shit going on and exams next week, its a pretty stressful time. I think i need to go rip something up... or even better set something on fire, Muahahaha.

Sarah of Batrider (Indigo - Tuesday 15th July)

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Webring 4 you if you like me crafty section.