When the chorus airs its views and their thoughts all condemn you; Where will you turn to, Aessichylus Where will you turn? When your own friends berate you, and cast you from their homes; When can you rest, Aessichylus, When can you rest? When the fates bring misfortune as punishment just; Where will you run to, Aessichylus, Where will you run? When the gods carry hatred anger and fire. To whom will you cry, Aessichylus, to whom will you cry? When the past haunts your daydreams; And your thoughts are never right; And every action is replayed in The most unforgiving light; And you shun the peace of midday For the facelessness of night; And you raise your fists in challenge And you don't know who to fight; And the universe, it mocks you As you cower in fright; How will you live, Aessichylus? How will you live? Aessichylus' pale face lifted his eyes burned within; "I will stand by my decision, if Hell itself caves in."