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Bitch Bitch Bitch...

Things that piss me off

Stupid people are the bane of my existence.

I dont mean people who get low SAT scores, I mean people who screw up everything for everyone else.
There are many kinds of stupid people, on many levels. The world is full of them. There is the stupid guy in the KKK, and then there is the stupid guy at McDonalds who doesn't spend the three seconds it would take to stir your damn milkshake.
Anyway, stupid people are the reason I need a page to bitch about all of the things that make me angry. So here it is, things that piss me off:



I started my first page at gURLpages, Sara's Page O Weirdness. It was ok at first. Then the top row of editing butttons mysteriously didn't work for about two years. That was fine, I could handle it. Then they decided to totally change the look of the page. Not only was it slower, not only was it hard to find anything, not only was editing a page confusing, not only did they put this weird hard to manuever lock on my images file, but after all that it looked worse than it did before! Anyway, I started expirimenting with my page, but I got kind of distracted for a while. When I came back, I couldn't edit the damn pages! I had an ugly background on my hompages, ugly buttons that didn't match, broken links, and broken images, and I was stuck with them permanently because I couldn't change anything. So, I wrote to gURLpages. Nothing happend. I wrote again. Same thing. After the third time I got a form letter reply. I wrote again. They finally write back... two months later. They tell me nothing is wrong. Nothing is wrong. I explain to them that, yes, something is wrong. I know for a fact something is very, very wrong. They write back saying that they can't find anything wrong. I really don't know what they thought was happening, because people don't go around making this kind of stuff up to get some sick pleasure out of it. So basically I had to start completely over, and I'm gonna end up just deleting my account there. Stupid, stupid people, gURLpages.

UPDATE: After over a year of being unable to change anything at gurlpages, I was finally able to get in there. If you would like, you can go to and see my updated front page.


McDonald's Shakes-9/1/01

I love McDonald's food, but they don't stir their damn shakes. The shakes come out of a little machine, and then the little machine stirs them. All it would take is that extra three little seconds of holding it under the little maching to stir my shake. It didn't use to be this way. The shakes used to be stirred right. I don't know what happend. Maybe everyone who worked there died all of a sudden, and in the haste to replace them stirring shakes was left out of the training process. Or maybe in an effort to save time, the big guys sent out a memo prohibiting stirring a shake to completion. Or maybe it's a government conspiracy to make people in drive throughs so irate they lose their senses and turn into Bush supporters. I hate sitting in the car, balancing the shake between my knees trying to not squeeze to hard, pulling the dripping straw out of the dripping lid, and stirring the shake because some stupid person's time was so precious they couldn't hold a little cup under a little machine for a few extra seconds, god forbid.


Frozen Pizzas With Hardly Any Cheese-9/1/01

That's just crap. And when you try to add your own cheese, it gets all weird. And they don't even try to cover it up, because they go and put it in clear plastic packages. You know if the stupid people that started this production ploy would sit down and think about it they would realize that using the cheese very sparsley is a lot less cost effective than piling the cheese on, because if I'm the store and I see two pizzas, one with lots of cheese and one with hardly any, then gee which one am I going to pick? Or if they get (relatively) smart and put them in cardboard boxes so you can't see their dirty little trick, and I get home and there is hardly any cheese, I'm not going to buy that brand again. I'ts just crap.


The Conservative Truth Article-12/5/01

I just read this disgusting article by Conservative Truth called, "Does One Homosexual Plus One Lesbian Make a Bisexual?". The writer was bitching because bills were being presented in California to *oh horror* make it so that public schools promote the idea that it's ok for people to be gay (oddly enough, I found this site when I was looking up info on civil unions to write a bill for class to make it legal for homosexuals in California to have a marriage like institution). They then went on to say that homosexuality was not psychological or genetic, but merely a choice. Ok, here is what I say: if homosexuality is a choice, then be gay for 5 minutes. Try it. If it's as simple as making a choice, than anyone can do it right? Then you can turn right around and go back to being 'normal'. COME ON! How can anyone be so stupid as to think that it's a choice? What do you do? Just wake up one morning and say, "Gee! I think I'll be **queer today and become a social outcast and be hated by my peers for a personal decision which does not affect their lives at all and yet I am constantly punished for! Sound like fun!" Jesus H. Christ, people can be assholes.
To see the article for yourself, go here.

**When I say "queer", I don't mean it in a derogatory way. I have several gay friends who use this term themselves, and it's merely an all-encompasing term for gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, transgenders, and so forth. It's something I picked up, and am used to saying around people who know my intentions, which I assure you are good.


Vanilla Ice-2/12/02

I hate Vanilla Ice. This is an old and touchy subject with me, but I feel the need to bring it up again. Ok, here is what happend. In 1981 Queen and the wonderful Mr. David Bowie got together and wrote and played a song called Under Pressure. Almost ten years later Vanilla Ice stole the song and rapped over it- and then lied on national tv about it! Damn. I just remembered I already wrote about this in the music page under Queen. Well, I won't repeat what he said again, but something I didn't mention there was that it even says in the Classic Queen booklet, and I quote, "Under Pressure: By Queen and David Bowie... The bass and piano featured again on Vanilla Ice's number one single Ice Ice Baby." It's not just me, everyone knows it! It's now a published piece of music trivia!
"The answer is the stupid fuck who ripped off a David Bowie song and then lied about it."
"Who is Vanilla Ice?"
"That's right Bob! You won the daily double!"


Stupid People Who Have Babies-3/14/02

They need to stop. Now.

Note: I don't mean that people who have babies are stupid. I am talking about people who are stupid, who also happen to be reproducing. Our gene pool can't handle it.


The Lady at Wal-Mart and PS2 Acessories-6/18/02

I called Wal-Mart today, and asked them how much a Playstation 2 memory card was. They put me on hold, and they quote 'looked'. They told me the price, and got pissy if I asked if that was the price was for one. I didn't know, I'd never bought one before. Anyway, I went to Wal-Mart, and they were all sold out. Why the hell didn't the stupid lady tell me when I was on the damn phone with her that there wasn't any more? Did they think I was calling and asking for the price simply for the sake of knowledge? If someone calls the coffee shop where I work and asks how much extra soy is, I assume they are planning to come in and buy something with soy. If we were out, I would say, "Soy is 50 cents extra, but I'm sorry, we are out right now. We should have some in tommorow afternoon,".
As for Playstation, they should have included a memory card. Two actually, one of each kind. I drove to Wal-Mart, only to find they were sold out. Then I drove all the way to K-Mart which is across town and bought a memory card for PS2, thinking with my simple logic, that a memory card that says 'Playstation 2' will work for Playstation 2. Silly me. It only works for specifically Playstation 2 games, not regular Playstation games, although PS2 plays them. I have to buy a memory card for Playstation as well, even though I don't own a playstation, but a playstation 2. Remember Super Nintendo, where you buy the consol, and you get two controllers, and a free game? Where you just pop a cartridge in the slot and you're ready to go? Ah, the good old days.


People Who Perpetually Have the Caps Lock On-9/1/02

I don't mind when people use caps to highlight a word, or in some cases, a whole sentence. But I can't stand it when stupid people write paragraphs and pages in all caps. Unless you have strawberry jam stuck under the caps lock key, you have no excuse. What are you trying to prove? Is what you are saying so meaningless you need bigger letters to make it more important? Well, I have news for you. I don't read things when they are in caps! Wait, let me say that again in your language- I DON'T READ THINGS WHEN THEY ARE IN CAPS! A lot of people don't. The only people who would give something like that the time of day are your fellow idiots and they are all too busy typing shit in caps to pay any attention to whatever meaningless drivel you are spewing out. See that button just left of the 'A' on your keyboard? For the love of all that is good and true, just push it until the little light on the right side of the keyboard goes off, ok?



Where the fuck did the light brown one go? I liked those. What stupid exec made that call? I know it was a long time ago, but I'm still bitter. I think it should be a law that in order to either cancel a candy, or change the traditional recipe or overall make of something, you have to both get the approval of the general public, as well as (and here is the cool part) publically post your full name and address. And not a P.O. box, oh no. You have to publish the location of your place of residence in the freaking Wall Street Journal so irate customers know where to find your ass. Like I'd really like to find the idiot that decided a few years back that it would be a good idea to change the taste of 7 UP. 7 UP!! One of the longest standing, mainstream sodas. Now its surupy and gross. Oh, and I hear that they are changing the flavor of McDonalds hamburgers now. What the hell? Its not like their not already the hugest, most widely recognized, prosperous fast-food chain in the whole entire world. Jesus, people need to stop messing with my favorite junk food. I don't eat it as often anymore, so when I do I want it to be correct.