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Fantasy Movies

Labyrinth (David Bowie *oh yeah*, Jennifer Connelly)
Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems. Sarah is left home alone by her parents and she has to babysit her little brother Toby. But the baby keeps crying and Sarah, while telling him a story to make him sleep, inadvertently conjures from a fantasy world the Goblin King who steals the child and brings him to his castle in the middle of a labyrinth. Sarah has to rescue him before midnight, or the baby will became a goblin...
You'll notice that David Bowie falls in love with a girl with the same (sounding) name as mine. Coincidence? I think not.

Legend (Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry)
Once, long ago, before there was such a thing as time, the world was shrouded in darkness. Then came the splendor of light, bringing life and love into the Universe, and the Lord of Darkness retreated deep into the shadows of the earth, plotting his return to power by banishing light forever. But precious light is protected, harbored into the souls of Unicorns, the most mystical of all creatures. Unicorns are safe from the Lord of Darkness, they can only be found by the purest of mortals. Two such mortals, Jack and Lily, in their innocence believe only goodness exists in the world. They will learn...

The Neverending Story (Noah Hathaway)
Bastian is a young boy who lives a dreary life being tormented by school bullies. On one such occasion he escapes into a book shop where the old proprieter reveals an ancient story-book to him, which he is warned can be dangerous. Shortly after, he 'borrows' the book and begins to read it in the school attic where he reads the adventures of a brave young boy, Atreyu. He is soon drawn into the mythical land of Fantasia, which desperately needs a hero to save it from destruction.

The Lord of the Rings (Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler)
In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-Earth still it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell, by chance, into the hands of the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. On his eleventy-first birthday, Bilbo disappeared, bequeathing to his young nephew, Frodo, the Ruling Ring, and a perilous quest: to journey across Middle-Earth, deep into the shadow of the Dark Lord and destroy the Ring by casting it into the Cracks of Doom. And there is a really hot elf named Legolas.

Willow (Val Kilmer)
In the dungeons of the castle of the evil Queen-sorceress Bavmorda, a prisoner gives birth to a child who, according to an ancient prophecy, will put an end to the reign of the Queen. A midwife saves the child from the wrath of Bavmorda, but is forced to send the cradle down the river where little Willow finds and adopts her. Willow undergoes a difficult journey to bring the baby back to her people and to fulfill the prophecy. It's pretty entertaining, but not spectacular. It would have gotten only 3.5 stars if it didn't have Val Kilmer and every single midget I have ever seen in any movie, EVER. But mainly, it had Val Kilmer.

The Highlander Movies (Sean Connery)
Born in the Highlands of Scotland in 1518, Connor Macleod is immortal. When he is wounded in battle but does not die, he is banished from his village. He meets another like himself, Ramirez, who teaches him swordsmanship--the only way to kill another immortal is to take his head--and the ways of the immortals. That is the background for all 5 movies, which consist of flashbacks from Conner's life, and his current life in modern day New York. Fantastic scenery!

The Princess Bride (Fred Savage, Billy Crystal, André the Giant) A classic fairy tale, with swordplay, giants, an evil king, a beautiful princess, and yes, some kissing (as read by a kindly grandfather). When the lovely Buttercup is kidnapped by a ghastly gang intent on starting an international incident they find they are pursued by the Dread Pirate Roberts who just might be Westley, her one true love. Also, after everyone is nasty Prince Humperdinck. Any movie with a character name Humperdinck has got to be watched.

The Beastmaster (Marc Singer, Rip Torn)
Yes, this is corny, yes this is cliche, yes this is silly, BUT I strongly feel that this movie is superior to other cheap fantasy movies, such as Conan the Barbarian. I really like it. Anyway, the plot: Dar is the son of a king, but is given away to be raised by another family, as he is hunted by an evil high priest who knows of his power. When he becomes a grown man his new father is murdered by savages, and he discovers that he has the ability to communicate with the animals. After that, Dar begins his quest for revenge. Do not watch Beastmaster II or III.

Red Sonja (Brigitte Nielsen, Arnold Schwarzenegger)
The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren. The talisman's master Kalidor follows to protect her. Of course they fall in love - however Red Sonja's power bases on the oath to never give herself to any man...

Conan the Barbarian (Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Earl Jones)
Conan was still a child when he saw his parents murdered and his village burned by a horde of savages, lead by the semi-god Thulsa Doom. They took him to the north, where he grew up working like an animal, and was later sold as a slave. His master trained him to be a warrior, and made a fortune by using him in fights. But there comes one day, when he gives Conan his freedom, and the chance to take his revenge after so many years.