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Fantasy Shows

Xena: Warrior Princess
I haven't watched the show in a while, so I'm not familiar with the newer episodes, but I can tell you this is a fun show. I'ts actually not as corny as one would suspect, unlike the following plot summary makes it sound: Xena, a mighty warrior and healer, once led a band of outlaws that terrorized all of Greece. She has come to regret the harm she caused and, with her companion Gabrielle, now travels the countryside seeking adventure and fighting the forces of evil. Like I said, the plot makes it sound bad, but it's actually quite good.

I'ts been a while since I've seen Xena, but it's been eons since I saw this show. The show, of course, is about the legendary mythological character Hercules and his adventures. Duh. This show is good, but it's more of a cheap thrill than Xena. It has the magic and the gods and some of the same characters, but it's not as developed and a little more cliche'. But like I said, it's good for a cheap thrill, if your a dork like me and you like this stuff.

The Adventures of Sinbad
I haven't seen this show for years, and I can't even find mention of it on the internet anywhere. I was beginning to believe I had made the show up in my head, untill I found it mentioned in the acomplishments of some minor director who had directed 2 or 3 of the episodes. That's it. If you can find a Sinbad site, I will send you a lollipop. No, three. I will send you three lollipops in the mail. No joke. E-mail me. I'm serious.