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1000 Ways To Waste Time Part 1

Add up a series of numbers your social security number, your date of birth,
 your telephone number, to see if the total is divisible by seven 
 Add up your debts
 Annoy a friend 
 Argue with a colleague about who is the best football quarterback ever 
 Arm wrestle with a colleague 
 Arrange a protest march for a cause you believe in 
 Arrange a seating plan for the office
 Arrange to meet a friend in the washroom to 
 Arrange unpaid bills by date order 
 Arrange your next vacation from work 
 Ask a friend to help you make your own list of wasteful tasks 
 Ask colleagues to show you photos of their last vacation 
 Ask your boss for new office furniture 
 Ask your grandpa what grandma was like when she was young 
 Avoid stepping on the gaps between sidewalk paving stones during your lunch break
 Balance a pen, pencil, knife, and fork across your index finger 
 Balance on one leg of your chair 
 Begin to work out your family tree 
 Blow paper at colleagues through a straw
 Blow up a paper bag and burst it behind a friend 
 Blow your own imaginary trumpet 
 Blow your own trumpet 
 Blubber your lips with your fingers, making bub, bub, bub noises 
 Boil water and make a cup of tea
 Bore your friends by explaining how to draw an equilateral triangle that
 contains three right angles 
 Borrow a pen from someone in another
 Borrow something from someone and forget to return it 
 Braid your hair 
 Break your diet 
 Bring a violin case to work for a week and carry it with you wherever 
 Browse through Roget's Thesaurus 
 Brush back your hair with your left hand
 Build a ladder of good intentions to 
 Build a house of cards 
 Build a model Eiffel Tower using 
 Build a model of the white House from old cigarette packs 
 Cacuate how much money you spend on average each day 
 Calculate all the money you have spent in your life so far 
 Calculate how long it would take you and three friends to build a major 
 Calculate how long it would take you to read a twenty-volume encyclopedia 
 Calculate how many minutes you have been alive 
 Calculate how many seconds there are in one year 
 Calculate how much better off you were last year 
 Calculate how much money you spend each year 
 Calculate what you would do if you had a million dollars
 Calculate which way is north of where you sit 
 Calculate your age in days 
 Calculate your annual budget 
 Calculate your monthly expenses 
 Call people rude names; then hide 
 Call someone whose name begins with the letter "L" 
 Call up someone you talked to last year 
 Call up someone you talked to yesterday 
 Carve miniature boomerangs from paperboard and flick them at ends 
 Carve your initials onto your desk
 Catch a cigarette in your mouth 
 Challenge a colleague to a plant-growing race - see who can grow the tallest
 plant in three months 
 Challenge the office assistant to a game of marbles 
 Change the batteries in your radio 
 Change the order of your keys on your key ring 
 Change the proportions of your face 
 Chat to a friend about your last date 
 Chat to a workmate about the book you are reading 
 Check all the illustration numbers in this book against their captions 
 Check share values in an old newspaper (maybe one ten years old) to see whyt
 changes have occurred 
 Check share values in the newspaper 
 Check the classified ads in the paper to see if there is anything you need 
 Check to be sure your money is not counterfeit 
 Check your answers for yesterday's crossword puzzle 
 Check your house price from the real estate advertisements in the local paper 
 Check your make-up in a small mirror 
 Check your underarms for body smells 
 Check your waist measurement 
 Chew a match 
 Chew a toffee 
 Chew the end of a ballpoint pen 
 Christmas dinner party 
 Clean out the sleep from your eyes 
 Clean out the supply closet 
 Clean out vour ear with Q-Tip 
 Clean out your wastepaper basket 
 Clean up the mess after clearing out the hole punch 
 Clean your comb 
 Clean your fingernails 
 Clean your hairbrush 
 Clean your shoes 
 Clear out the company medicine cabinet 
 Clear out the hole punch 
 Click your tongue to make a sound like galloping horses 
 Close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to be blind 
 Coin a phrase 
 Color in the pattern on the facing page four colors or tints so no two
 abutting araeas have the same color 
 Color squares on graph paper 
 Comb your hair down 
 Compare yourself to earlier photographs 
 Conduct a marching band while humming and chatting 
 Conduct an imaginary orchestra 
 Conjugate ten verbs 
 Console a colleague 
 Construct a fictitious resume for yourself 
 Construct a theory for the location of your soul 
 Construct elaborate geometric patterns, then color them in with colored
 Construct elaborate patterns using circles 
 Construct your company's organizational tree 
 Consult a book to interpret your dreams 
 Consult an oracle 
 Contact someone on the computer system 
 Convince someone that an African elephant has smaller ears than an Asian
 Copy out your list of "tasks to do" again in a neat form 
 Count how many pages are in this book 
 Count television antennas from the window 
 Count the buttons on your jacket 
 Count the freckles on your face 
 Count the freckles on your forearms 
 Count the holes in your watch strap 
 Count the number of checks left in your checkbook 
 Count the number of matches in a box 
 Count the number of Smiths in the telephone book 
 Count the number of times "love" appears in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 
 Count the roof tiles on the nearest building 
 Count the small change in your pockets or purse 
 Count the stars 
 Count the typographical errors in a newspaper 
 Count the windows in the biggest building you can see from your window 
 Count the words on this page 
 Count your blessings 
 Cover a sheet of paper with doodles 
 Crack your knuckles 
 Create a new cocktail for the office Christmas party 
 Create shadow figures using your hands 
 Cross and uncross your legs and practice your most impressive sitting
 Cry to get sympathy from a friend or your boss 
 Cultivate bangs (if you're a woman) 
 Cut an envelope to make scrap paper 
 Cut out heads from magazines and stick them on other bodies 
 Cut out pictures from magazines 
 Cut yourself some shoe liners from old cardboard 
 Dance a jig 
 Dance around the office with a colleague 
 Decide how you are going to pay your debts this month 
 Decide what style of topiary you would like in your garden 
 Decide what you really want to do with your life 
 Decide where to go on vacation in next year 
 Decide which items on your "Things to do" list need doing 
 Decide who you are going to pay this month 
 Demonstrate a karate throw to a colleague 
 Describe a journey to Britain on an old ship 
 Describe the last days in the lives of the dinosaurs that made these fossils
 Describe to a colleague how you would explain to a child how a baby is made 
 Describe what Lincoln might be thinkig if he were not a statue 
 Design a new chair 
 Design a new desk 
 Design a new mode of transportation 
 Design a new office notice board 
 Design a stamp to commemorate your life 
 Design an old postage stamp 
 Design an outfit for anoffice toga party 
 Design new office shelving 
 Design yourself a new office 
 Despair ! 
 Devise your own coat of arms 
 Devise your own ornamental device 
 Dilute the error-correcting fluid 
 Discuss Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus with a workmate
Distort a picture of you or a friend on the company photocopier 
 Do skipping with an imaginary rope 
 Do a "head-over-heels" 
 Do a jigsaw puzzle upside down 
 Do a magic trick in front of your colleagues 
 Do a self-portrait using colored pencils 
 Do absolutely nothing for five minutes 
 Do exercises in your chair 
 Do fifty push-ups 
 Do sit-ups on the floor 
 Do some exercises 
 Do some kitting 
 Do the same thing and see if it is divisible by three 
 Doze in a chair 
 Draw a cartoon of a close friend 
 Draw a cyclops step-by-step 
 Draw a funny picture of your family 
 Draw a map of Europe from memory 
 Draw a map of your town ti 
 Draw a Ouija board and try to contact the original chairperson of your
 Draw a totem pole using the faces of colleagues and friends 
 Draw boxes and triangles in the margins of books 
 Draw cartoons 
 Draw circles by tracing around the base of a bottle or cup 
 Draw daisies in the margins of paper or a book 
 Draw different types of lips and match them to workmates 
 Draw faces on balloons 
 Draw Frankenstein's monster 
 Draw glasses on faces in today newspaper 
 Draw lines across the contours of faces in magazines 
 Draw mustaches onto photos in magazines 
 Draw out your family tree 
 Draw spectacles on photographs in newspapers 
 Draw twenty circles on a sheet of paper and draw a different face in each
 Draw up a two-month calendar and add special events 
 Draw your favorite flower 
 Draw your own profile 
 Dream of possessing your loved one 
 Dream of taking a ride on a dolphin 
 Drum out a rhythm with your fingers 
 During a phone conversation tell your loved one how devoted you are 
 Each week, look at the backs of your hands for signs of aging 
 Eat a candy with a noisy wrapper 
 Eat strange food that will keep you awake all night and make you feel so
 tired that tomorrow you will fall asleep 
 Eat your lunch with chopstics 
 Empty your pockets 
 Enact the sky between two airplanes, using your hands to describe the
 actions, and making machine gun noises with your mouth 
 Estimate the cubic capacity of a container 
 Estimate your total wealth 
 Evaluate how much spare time you have each week to do nothing 
 Exercise your tongue by trying to make it reach the tip of your nose 
 Fall asleep at your desk 
 Fall into a fit of rage 
 Fall into a rage 
 Fax a list of jokes to a friend 
 Feed the birds outside the window 
 Feel very angry about some trivial problem and talk about it endlessly to
 Fiddle with your earring 
 Fight an imaginary 
 Figure out how to catch the animals that escaped from the zoo 
 Figure out how to make a 3-D icosahedron from paper 
 Figure out how to use color in a map with the minimum number of colors so
 that no two adjacent areas are the same color 
 Figure out how you would teach a bear to dance 
 Figure out if you can climb through a playing card 
 Figure out the height of your office building 
 Figure out the largest single sum of money you ever earned 
 Figure out the largest single sum of money you ever paid anyone 
 Figure out the middle letter of the alphabet 
 Figure out the plot for a novel 
 Figure out what you would do locked in the bathroom without toilet paper 
 Figure out what your enemies think of you 
 Figure out what your friends think of you 
 Figure out who is the shortest person in the office 
 Figure out who is the tallest in your office 
 Figure the relationship between extraterrestria forces, metaphysical forces,
 paranormal forces, and the orders of spiritual levels in Heaven and Hell 
 Figure the values of half and half and half a number until you arrive at its
 twentieth value 
 Fill in a crossword puzzle without using the clues 
 Fill in earlier weeks in your office calendar 
 Fill in every letter p on the facing page end avoid reading the text 
 Fill in the teeth on the photographs of people in magazines 
 Fill in your office calendar with things you would like to be doing 
 Fill out the personal notes page of your office calendar 
 Find a new friend 
 Find a place to lie down in peace 
 Find a secret space and play cards with your friends 
 Find fault with everyone 
 Find out how to adopt an animal at the zoo 
 Find out the birthdays of all your collegues 
 Find out what is on TV thais week 
 Find out who borrowed your scissors and get them back 
 Flick paper at friends 
 Flip a coin to see who gets the coffee at break 
 Fold and refold your handkerchief 
 Fold brown paper into neat squares 
 Frighten a friend 
 Gaze at the clouds 
 Get drunk 
 Get everyone in the office to swap desks to confuse your boss 
 Get someone's attention by kicking them in the backside 
 Get very drunk 
 Get your calculator to spell words 
 Give up one of your favorite activities for a month so that you feel
 Go forth and preach 
 Go out and buy a pack of cigarettes 
 Go out and send a letter 
 Go sit on the toilet 
 Go to the bathroom 
 Go visit your friends in the company and chat 
 Greet a new employee 
 Grow a mustache (if you're a man) 
 Grow an unusual hairstyle 
 Grow your hair into a new style 
 Guess how much and then count the money in your pockets 
 Guess the value of a dollar in a year's time 
 Guess the weights of your f'riends 
 Guess who will be the next US President 
 Guzzle a pint of beer 
 Hammer a nail in the wall to hang your coat on 
 Have a cigarette 
 Have a cold beer 
 Have a snack 
 Hire a fancy-dress outfit at lunch break and wear it all afternoon 
 Hold your breath 
 Hold your head in your hands 
 Hold your right ear with your lett hand and your nose with your right hand,
 then hold your left ear with your right hand and your nose with your left
 hand, and repeat and repeat 
 Hop on one leg along a straight line 
 If you could return to earth as a celebrity, who would you be? 
 Imagine a conversation in which your bank manager asks for your help 
 Imagine a day in the life of a coach horse in nineteenth century England 
 Imagine a discussion with a drunk 
 Imagine a perfect murder 
 Imagine an orgy 
 Imagine an unlikely place to meet a friend 
 Imagine an X-ray of your hand 
 Imagine arriving for work in the US President's car 
 Imagine being Adam and what you would have done on meeting Eve 
 Imagine being a character in a novel 
 Imagine being a slave asleep on a slave ship 
 Imagine being bandaged alive and put in a mummy's coffin 
 Imagine being eaten alive 
 Imagine being Eve and what you would have done on meeting Adam 
 Imagine being taken away by a superhero 
 Imagine being taken away by King Kong 
 Imagine being thin 
 Imagine being very poor 
 Imagine being very rich 
 Imagine colleagues' reactions if you came to work dressed differently 
 Imagine coming to work by elephant 
 Imagine coming to work in a tank 
 Imagine coming to work on your own orie-wheeled invention 
 Imagine confronting an opponent riding an elephant on the battlefield 
 Imagine doing a different job 
 Imagine for what reason you would want to blow up the government offices 
 Imagine Ginger Rogers inviting you to dance and waltz around the room 
 Imagine having a conversation with Jesus 
 Imagine having a howler monkey for a pet 
 Imagine having a life as short as that of a butterfly 
 Imagine having tea in China 
 Imagine having to fight for your country hundreds of years ago 
 Imagine having to fight in World War I 
 Imagine having to fight in World War III 
 Imagine having to go out and kill your lunch before you can cook and eat it 
 Imagine having to migrate to reach a breeding ground 
 Imagine having your boss just where you want 
 Imagine how cold it must be to wear a kilt in winter 
 Imagine how cold it would living in an igloo 
 Imagine how long it would take to get to work on a horse 
 Imagine how long it would take to write your own biography 
 Imagine how sorry everyone will be when you are dead 
 Imagine how to cope with being a werewolf 
 Imagine how you would escape from being tied up 
 Imagine how you would interview your boss for your job 
 Imagine how you would look after being told you have got a raise 
 Imagine how you would look after being told your raise doubles your salary 
 Imagine how you would pick a fight with your friends 
 Imagine life if you were as small as a cat 
 Imagine making a living by loaning people money 
 Imagine playing solitaire in a prison for thirteen years 
 Imagine pressing hot kisses onto the one you love 
 Imagine reading a diary of several past generations written by your
 Imagine riding home through tragic on a penny-farthing 
 Imagine standing next to the tallest tree in the world 
 Imagine ten things you might buy on vacation 
 Imagine the colors of fairies' wings 
 Imagine the weight of an elephant's suit of armor 
 Imagine the worst thing that could happen to you 
 Imagine two whales making love in the ocean 
 Imagine utter despair 
 Imagine wearing a fifth-century metal helmet a day 
 Imagine what child care is like for male seahorses 
 Imagine what excuses you would make if caught in an embarrassing position 
 Imagine what is "going on" next door 
 Imagine what it is like in Heaven 
 Imagine what it is like in Hell 
 Imagine what it is like to have an operation without anesthetic 
 Imagine what it would be like inside an iron maiden 
 Imagine what it would be like to be a fish in the sea 
 Imagine what people will be reading about in a year's time 
 Imagine what style of beard you prefer 
 Imagine what you will do between now and your retirement 
 Imagine what you will do when you retire 
 Imagine what you woud do with ultimate power 
 Imagine what you would be like as your boss's boss 
 Imagine what you would be worth if you had owned some successful shares for
 ten years 
 Imagine what you would do if you had only one year to live 
 Imagine what you would do if locked in a dungeon for twenty years 
 Imagine what you would do if you got your toe stuck in the bathtub faucet 
 Imagine what you would do if you had only one day to live 
 Imagine what you would do if you had only one week to live 
 Imagine what you would do if you were the richest person in the world 
 Imagine what you would do if you were very, very ugly 
 Imagine what you would do upon discovering someone you love has died 
 Imagine what you would do with $100,000 
 Imagine what you would do with superhero powers 
 Imagine what you would say in a message to space, trying to contact alien
 Imagine what you would say to someone - a friend or relative - who returns
 from the dead 
 Imagine what you would say to the Devil if you went to Hell 
 Imagine whom you would torture if you owned a rack 
 Imagine why you might have won an Oscar 
 Imagine wild sexual positions 
 Imagine wnat you would look with no hair 
 Imagine working in a pit crew for a racing team 
 Imagine working in a tower in a castle 
 Imagine you are about to take off in the space shuttle 
 Imagine you are floating in space 
 Imagine you are in control of a major operation 
 Imagine you are making love with Marilin Monroe (if you are a man) 
 Imagine you are making love with Robert Redford (if you are a woman) 
 Imagine Robert Redford and Marilyn Monroe making love together 
 Imagine your boss as a piece of fruit 
 Imagine your living room with new wallpaper 
 Imagine your worst nightmare 
 Imagine yourself in women's clothing (if you are a man) 
 Imagine yourself as an artist painting your dream house 
 Imagine zero gravity 
 Imitate other people's way of walking 
 Improve your ambidextrous skills 
 Improve your whistling skills 
 In the two pictures shown upside down against each other, figure out the
 Inform a colleague about the difference between a zubra and a zebra 
 Invent new items for a later edition of this book 
 Invent signals that you can send across a field 
 Invent a caption for this picture 
 Invent a conversation between Napoleon and Hitler 
 Invent a conversation with a drunk parrot 
 Invent a corresponaence with someone famous 
 Invent a day in the life of a small dinosaur 
 Invent a mechanical contraption to make the tea or coffee 
 Invent a motto 
 Invent a new animal using the characteristics of three existing ones 
 Invent a new identity for yourself 
 Invent a secret alphabet and write messages in it 
 Invent a wonderful fancy costume 
 Invent an office golf obstacle course 
 Invent an unusual fancy-dress costume 
 Invent characters for a novel 
 Invent families for these people 
 Invent imaginary creatures 
 Invent new monsters and creatures on paper and give them collegues’ names 
 Invent personalities for each of the people in this picture 
 Invent ten new "Old Testament" commandments 
 Invent ten reasons why you I would give people medals 
 Invent the conversation you might have if you met with an alien 
 Invent the worst opening sentence of a novel 
 Invent ways of disposing of a body 
 Invent Winston Churchill's next line 
 Invite friends out for a drink after work 
 Jump on your chair and shout "cockroachI" to frighten your colleagues 
 Keep a diary 
 Lace your shoes differently 
 Laugh at old photographs of yourself and colleagues 
 Laugh at your boss latest demands 
 Lean back in your chair and look at the ceiling 
 Learn five new words in your dictionary 
 Learn how to carry out resuscitation 
 Learn the symbols for the signs of the zodiac 
 Learn to calculate 
 Learn to draw an equilateral triangle 
 Learn to identify pasta types 
 Learn to identify the names for parts of a sword 
 Learn to identify the sex of earwigs 
 Learn to read your fortune in the lines on the palms of your hands 
 Lie horizontal on the floor 
 Lie very still and pretend to be dead 
 List a boy's and girl's name for each letter of the alphabet 
 List a the hotels you have stayed in 
 List all the animals you would like to visit at the zoo 
 List all the places in the world you would like to visit 
 List as many creepy-crawly insects as you can 
 List the faults of your friends 
 List what you would do if you had only ten days to live 
 List what you would do if you had only ten minutes to live 
 List your ten favorite actors or actresses 
 List your ten favorite names for boys 
 List your ten favorite names for girls 
 Listen in on e private conversation 
 Listen to pop music on headphones 
 Listen to the radio 
 Look at old diaries to see what you did this timeast year and the year
 Look at your vacation photos 
 Look out of the window 
 Look through last year's staff party photographs 
 Look to See if anything has fallen behind the radiators 
 Look up the value of your old LPs in a catalog 
 Make a "Big Brother" poster of your boss using the photocopier 
 Make a Christmas card list of friends 
 Make a cup of coffee 
 Make a cup of tea 
 Make a funny hat 
 Make a ist of your charms 
 Make a liist of time-wasting activities 
 Make a list in order of priority of the tasks to do 
 Make a list of all the people you owe dinner invitations 
 Make a list of all the people you'd enjoy having sex with 
 Make a list of anagrams from your name 
 Make a list of everything you ate yesterday 
 Make a list of extinct or endangered species 
 Make a list of friends you could write to when you get back 
 Make a list of omissions from this list 
 Make a list of people you should invite to dinner 
 Make a list of ten questions you would ask Napoleon should you meet in the
 Make a list of the ten best films ever made 
 Make a list of the ten most attractive men in the world 
 Make a list of the ten most attractive women in the world 
 Make a list of the ten people you would arrest immediately if you became
 Make a list of the things you would do to your bank manager if you had power
 over him 
 Make a list of the things you are most afraid of having done 
 Make a list of the things you are most proud of having done 
 Make a list of things that you would pack to take on a vacation to Hawaii 
 Make a list of things to do on the weekend 
 Make a list of your best features 
 Make a list of your debts 
 Make a list of your faults 
 Make a list of your replies in answer to questions about your work
 colleagues so the lie detector does not reveal your true feelings 
 Make a machine for blowing smoke rings 
 Make a mask out of a piece of card or paper 
 Make a musical instrument from a paper and comb 
 Make a musical instrument out of drinking straws 
 Make a paper airplane 
 Make a paper box 
 Make a paper chain 
 Make a paper hat from office stationery 
 Make a paperclip chain 
 Make a parcel of unwanted objects and send it to someone in a different
 Make a rubbing of a coin 
 Make a shopping list for next Christmas 
 Make faces at the goldfish 
 Make facial expressions in a mirror 
 Make funny faces at the person nearest you 
 Make ink blots and move them around to form shapes 
 Make labels for all the office drawers 
 Make patterns with paperclips 
 Make rude gestures to passersby 
 Make rude hand gestures 
 Make shadaw images with your hands 
 Make silhouette cutouts of your workmates 
 Make silly noises 
 Make sure that the birthdays of all your family and friends are listed in
 your office calendar 
 Make ten words from your name using each letter just once 
 Make up a joke 
 Make up a nonsense conversation to have with a friend 
 Make up anagrams for different countries 
 Make up some Chinese-style writing and invent what it says 
 Make your desk untidy then make it tidy again 
 Make your own crossword puzzle 
 March around the office like a Roman soldier 
 Massage the bags under your eyes 
 Master the art of playing musical spoons 
 Measure the height of the plant by your desk 
 Measure theength of your fingers 
 Measure your height 
 Memorize the formula for calculating the velocity of water passing through a
 tube giving the interior distance and the speed 
 Memorize the order of the books in the "Old Testament" 
 Name Snow White's seven dwarfs 
 Name the 101 Dalmations 

part 2
